Does anyone, have a site or know of one with a MF on-ride Photo on It. Just Wondering.
201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
*** This post was edited by Cedar Creek Mine Ride on 5/14/2000. ***
I would also like to know why they didnt put the ride photo in the first tunnel, that would of been great! I kind of figure its because of the speed you are going through the first tunnel it would be to hard to do, am I correct?
The more you ride it, the more you want it!
Creek, there is an on-ride photo. It is in the middle of the second tunnel to the left.
tohot, I think that is probably why they don't have it in the 1st tunnel, or it could be that on that 3rd hill your getting airtime, so they want your picture when you are recovering from that.
"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
No, I myself bought a keychain of my photo. It's definitely not in the tunnel because of recovering from 3rd hill airtime - its enough after the 3rd hill to be because of that. I think it may be in the tunnel to see what people really look like while in a tunnel. I mean think about it - no one else sees you and it would be cool to see how people react. Just a thought.
MF Rides: 2
Somewhatchewy, I'm asking if anyone has a on-ride photo, you know when you are on the ride. Sorry for the confusion!
201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
I have mine but I just got it today so it's not online or anything. I don't know if anyone else's ended up like this but it seems like the timing or whatever is off because I'm only in like a tiny corner of the picture I bought and it was the best one on the monitors. The folders they put the pictures in suck but I guess/hope they're just temporary until they get some photos and turnaround time from the season.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Yeah the folders do suck - thats why I got a keychain really. They have to be temp., I'm sure they will be cool soon. Hey, that folder could become like a collectors item or something someday when everyone else has a new kind... As for the timing on my picture it was absolutely perfect. This is probably because of slight varying speeds of different trains depending on the weight.
MF Rides: 2
Seems some people didnt get much of their pic taken, and others did. I had like 3 different pics come up on the monitors.
The more you ride it, the more you want it!
Don't complain, on my first trip my monitor was blank...NO PICTURE!!!
How much money do a key chain, folder, etc. cost?
Do you suppose it's because people say the blue train is faster than the red? I for one believe them. Smoother at least, even tho I've only ridden red.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...