MF no longer tallest, fastest...

Yes, the time has come already and Steel Dragon in Japan is now taller than Millennium Force. Last night I saw a few pre-opening rides and it looked really awesome! The supports look totally awesome and big! I just wish it was closer to good old home.

Back to the topic, do you think, now that MF is no longer the tallest or fastest, it will loose it's impresiveness? I tend to disagree because it is so large compared to other coasters around. I do think that out of state people will not think of MF as big of news but I don't think that will deter crowds or intrests. I'm just glad I got my ride while it WAS the tallest. ;)
300' drop @80 degree angle is hard to beat to me,yet id have to admit it has to be a nice coaster they built in japan,but that 45 degree up and 80 degree down is one of the coolest features i like about MF,along with the smoothness
in short,i wont probably be eadin to japan anyway(will they have enough people be tall enough to ride it there?lol)
JW Addington's avatar
isnt steel dragon 8ft taller and goes 3mph faster, if that is the case in the words of Shania "That dont impress me much" There is no way you could be able to tell the difference between 318ft and 310ft, also 95mph and 92mph try it in your car and see if you can feel the difference The length of it is impressive but thats about it. I heard it takes about 210 seconds to go through the circuit ( thats what the news up here in saginaw michigan said anyways ) half of that is climbing the hill. Magnum wannabe is what it is. Frustrations Frustrations Frustrations! :| just venting thats all. First ride on Millennium Force coming August 11th at 9am and it wont be record breaking. :( It will be one hell of a ride though!
MF is still the best even if that over-sized Magnum is taller and a little faster the drop on MF is still a helluva lot steeper and way more insane and MF is still the tallest in the U.S.A. so I say Steel Dragon who? MILLENNIUM FORCE RULES!

[gratuitous exclamation points removed]
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 7/30/2000. ***
Now that's a lot of exclamation points.

Blah Blah Blah if you want to buy a plane ticket to Japan to ride a rollercoaster that isn't all that much taller than Millennium Force go right ahead. But as for me and the rest of the sane people around here I think that Millennium Force will be just fine.
Magnum wannabe??? Come on people. What is with this rivalry thing? If you went to an amusement park that had an exact replica of the Magnum and of the Steel Dragon which do you think you would head for right away and want to ride the most? Its like the Magnum in that it is an out and back and that is about it. MF is an outstanding ride and I'am sure Steel Dragon will be the same. I just don't see how people can cut down a coaster that they have not been on??
Steel Dragon, I heard, costs 10 dollars and you have to be over 13 or something to ride it.
Who Cares! It's a coaster! Of course there will be a coaster that goes taller, faster, and longer than another! They are built to beat each other. I wouldn't be suprised if Kennywood builds a taller coaster than SD to replace Steel Phantom.

There shouldn't be a rivalry against MF and SD.

And I haven't heard one single thing about SD since the noon edition of my local news. How many people in the GP do you think know about SD? I'd say around 1%-2%, if that(like any of the GP would go over to Japan just to ride it anyway), so don't fret about this coaster it will be beaten soon enough.
Amen CP bound! Who cares which is the tallest and fastest as long as they keep building them taller and faster! I hope you are right about Kennywood. At least most of us should be able to ride the Kennywood coaster if it is bigger unlike Steel Dragon.
CP_bound said it. With saying SD2K is a over sized magnum, I can kinda see what you are talking about but here is the argument. SD2K is an Out and Back style coaster, so is Magnum, Blue Streak, MF, Shivering Timbers, etc etc. Alot of Out and Backs are similar, Lift, Drop, Hill, Hill, Turn, Hill, Turnaround, Hill, Hill, Turn, Hill, Block Brake, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Brakes, Station.
That is a basic Out and Back design. There are alot of differnt versions. Hell, look at Raptor, it's a Multi-Eliment Out and Back. Just becuase it is an out and back does not meen it's a Magnum clone or oversized Magnum. Otherwise you would have to say, Magnum is a Blue Streak clone or something obserd like that.

Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-11
Well, SD does resemble Magnum in a lot of ways, but it looks like it has a lot more elements. It's got 3 huge hills on the way out, a pretzel knot turnaround (not exactly like magnums, but not too dissimilar), and bunny hops the whole way back. For me, that bunny hop section would be too much. While I like airtime, it's not my favorite thing (although I love the MF floating air), but 8 ejector air bunny hops in a row would just make me hurt, I think. And be bored. For some people SD is the perfect coaster. For me, it doesn't look it, but I can't pass judgement until I ride it, which will be never. :( Anyway, I also hope Kennywood builds a giant coaster, but unfortunately, I doubt it would be long enough to compare to MF. Who knows. The thing is, giga coasters are so expensive and take up so much land, that I predict that in 10 years there will be no more than 6 gigas in the US.


Millennium Force laps: 2
Actually, if Steel Dragon resembles any other coaster I would say it resembles Steel Force at Dorney Park more than it does the Magnum. I guess it would stand to reason as Steel Force was built by Morgan. I definately do not think that Steel Dragon is a perfect coaster. I don't think M Force is either. There will never be a perfect coaster because everyone has different ideas about what is perfect. Although M Force is a great ride I think it should have definately been longer. I think instead of banking back to the left and heading for the bunny hop, they should have banked it to the right and have it head into a helix right under the first over-bank turn. After the helix they should have had it do bunny hop hills all the way back to the station. Then IMO M Force would be close to perfect. It definately would have had enough momentum to accomplish this.
Jeff's avatar
They're roller coasters, not a religion. Who cares which is taller or faster. Why not put that energy toward something more important like world peace or ending world hunger.

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