Well I have just returned from the best vacation of my life. And though I rode pretty much everything in the park (coaster wise anyway) one ride stands far beyond the rest. My friend and I had spent two days in the park already ridden MF twice and were trying to figure out how to complete the trip, one thing came to mind front row on MF was the only fitting finale, so we get off of raptor and head on over to MF prepared to wait 2 hours and figured we wouldn't be off until after the park closed (it was 10 on saturday night) we get to the entrance and the sign says 1 hour wait we couldn't believe so we hope in line the DJ was spinning great tunes and the whole line was rocking, we reach the station in about 45 minutes and hop in line for the front, the op warned us that it was about a 45 minute wait we didnt mind at all, the time seemed to fly and with every train that flew by our anticiapation grew finally it was our turn, There is nothing better than looking down the first drop and not seeing anything what a rush, I was screaming on the way down, then a bug hit my face, not wanting to swallow a bug at 93 mph, my mouth remained closed for the duration of the ride. by the end my heart was racing and I knew that I had just been on the coolest ride known to man. Thank you CP for building it, and thank you to the DJ for keeping the line a happy place, and thank to the Ops for running such a smooth ride, You could tell by their faces it had been a long day, but they made sure we enjoyed our ride and truly made it a great experience, I went from utah to sandusky to ride MF, and it was worth every penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CPfan Stuck In Utah!!!!!!
This post makes me want to have my last ride of MY visit to CP on MF in the fornt row!!! Only three more weeks!!
MF Laps- 0, MXL200 Laps- 0, Raptor Laps- 0, Mantis Laps- 0, etc. etc... All to change on July 31st
Goliath, you won't be disappointed. :) It is the most incredible thing I've ridden of experienced in my life!
If you want to hear more stories like this, waltz on over to the Trip report section, and search for reports from all time and look at reports from May 2000 and on...you'll get more and more excited with every story.
MF count: 20