MF History Tour

I think that this is a excellent idea (hint hint) that Millennium Force should have either TV screens or some way to look back at the past millennium of coasters! They could really make it unique and bring everything up to Millennium Force. It would be like the History of CP @ the Mantis, only of all coasters in the world. They could, and would, remember everyone when CP brought Magnum, the first to break the 200 foot mark.

I think this is the perfect idea for the queue lines; it's quite, and doesn't create to much energy in people, so... what do you think?
Jeff's avatar
I think it's an expense that would provide zero return on investment, but then I tend to think about everything they do in financial terms. What can I say, I'm one capitalist bastard!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Thats right Jeff its all about the all mighty dollar. I say in the queue have people selling MF hats, mugs, patches, pins, and drinks. The perfect slogan "buy it before you ride it"

Hey gotta make up for the $27 mill some how. :)
Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
I'll take 2 of each, Dan! :)

ray p.
But remember- the Point is not responsible for items lost while riding at 92mph.

"To ALCOHOL- the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
--Homer J. Simpson

I don't understand where the return on investment is in having a live DJ? To me a museum like exhibit of all Cedar point coasters of the millenium would be cheaper in the long run.
"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
Remember--this is the ENERTAINMENT business. The return on the investment is having people come back cause they had tons-o-fun. A historical exhibit at the town hall on the history of coasters may not be a bad idea though. The townhall could use a little revamping these days. They could actually make it a big thing to put on the "to do" list if done properly.
-Dave Kochman
*** This post was edited by DaveTKoch on 2/24/00. ***
Another thing they could do, is have a photo of all the famous coasters around the world and place them along the lines from oldest to newest and the newest one would be MF. They could place them on a wall of some sort and include a story of the coaster.

It would be very interesting, and would make the time fly. CP needs to do something in their queue lines because they are really boring and all of them are the same. Of course, on MF's queue you will be able to see the lake, but I still think the history thing would hit the spot, with it being the ride of the "Millennium", it needs to have some sort of theme to it. This would be a low cost way to provide entertainment, and they don't have to worry about it getting wet!

"Kill the DJ and give us some history!"
Well if they were to show pictures or movies or historical things that would just be advertising other parks besides Cedar Point. If i were to put some thing i the lines i would put little time lines about cedar point itself.
No no no....It wouldn't be any type of advertising. It would be a respectful way of displaying some of the most influential coasters of the Millennium. It would actually make MF sound better and CP sound better because it has MF and the history, not any other park. Understand? I think it would give you a feeling that MF is some great coaster because its reflecting on all this history. I dont know, but I think it would just help MF and CP alike.
Also, your at CP. Your not going to say, "Oh! Look at that coaster! Lets go ride it right now!"

You'll be in line for one of the best rides by the time you get to the better coasters on the little history tour, so your mind will be set on MF, not the other parks. Besides, even if they do go to other parks, CP would be happy. That means they will become a park nut and probally return more to CP.

Also, if CP doesn't do this, I think lasers would be really neat and maybe a space theme.

*** This post was edited by CoasterMikey on 2/25/00. ***
I have never been a fan of themes in the cues. Always seemed to me that when there is all sorts of themes its tied into some kind of adverting, as if we are not bombarded enough with commercialism(sp?)

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