If you look at the pic at:
If you look at the footers on the island and see were the overbanked turn turns into the normal turn. Look how close the supports of the turn are to the track. One word amazing!
The normal turn is first, then the "over-banked" on the island. If you watch the POV in the promo you'll see that it doesn't get that close. In fact, the remarkable thing I found about the layout is how far apart the supports on this ride are.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Looking at the current construction photos, you can see how the illustration is off a little. For example, on the illustration, the island seems so big. But in actuality, MF covers most of the island. Wow... a lot of trees came down! The point is, I'm sure other elements are off from the drawing.
Aren't there two overbanked turns. One right after the first drop and the turn just before you come from the island.
I think there are three overbanked turns. One after the lift, the second is on the island and the third is just before the pull in to the station.
Are those two overbankers on the island or one?
AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.
Paddlewheel Excursions: 12
Jokes on PE: 120
The second turn on the island is 122-degrees.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
hey..that url doesn't work for me ?
Probably cause its from a year ago and its not at the same sight.;)
Crady Crady!! CRADY CRADY!!
Look at the date the url was posted... January 6, 2000. The pic was most likely a construction photo of MF that was on their construction gallery, which is no longer on the site. That explains why it doesn't work.
Chris G,
who worships the Lemon Chill guy