MF can't lay a finger on SOB or Magnum...sorry guy

MF is an absolute masterpiece, no doubt about it. The thing is, I rode MF in the back seat at night just before ert started at coaster mania on maggie, and then I rode maggie in the back seat, and it still wins, hands down. MF is my #2 steel ride, right behind magnum but when you compare it to my fav woodies.....

Frankly, I hate comparing wooden and steel rides, but since PKI has been catching so much flak around here I'm gonna have to do it. For sheer power, and thrill giving ability, MF pales in comparison to SOB. There is still one major, glaring flaw that MF has, and its simply that it is steel ride. SOB isn't even my fav woodie, far from it actually. I still have beast, raven, and legend ahead of sob on my top ten. MF pales in comparison to SOB, but when you compare to something like The Legend, MF is about as thrilling as Iron Dragon.

Jeez....i sorta actually hope i get flamed for this
I'm waiting until I get a night ride on MF before I make any decisions about whether I like SOB better or not. After a few day rides, SOB kicks MF's butt, but I've heard only promising things about the night rides MF gives...

Of course, I agree that Legend and Raven are the best 1-2 punch at any park!
MF night rides are AWESOME! You can see everything is lit up, and going down the first hill, you can't see the track. All you drop into is darkness.
It's all a matter of personal preference. Just take a look at ACE's top 10 coaster list!
It's like a 310 foot high Disaster Transport speeding really fast of course. It has some lights but you can't really see anything.

Welcome back Raptor riders, how was your flight?
Okay 2 people so far have won the Daily "Hater Award" congrades Shorti2443.
This is really tired, people talking about Millennium Force. If you don't like it keep it to yourself, why tell everyone else when we have heard it

Millennium Force Rids:0
Magnum XL-200 Drop:2
Mean Streak Shake Down:1
Mantis Stands:1
Raptor Fl
First of all, it is impossible to compare SOB and MF. Steel and wood. Totally seperate criteria for judging. Personally, I don't like woodies, so I doubt SOB would be on my "Favorites" list. They are two totally seperate rides with different personalities. I don't think it is fair to judge them both the same, because they have so many differences. And to me SOB dosen't seem natural. Woodies aren't supposed to have loops, it's just not right! It all comes down to steel and wood. You can't put those together. Now I realize NAPHA's list includes both, and most lists do, but they start with taking a list of the 5 best from each type, then bringing them together. It's not fair to judge a wooden maching against a steel maching.
Exactly-end of discussion.
Also you rode in the back. The back on Magnum is good, but back on MF really isnt as good as the front. Try to get front on M.F. It is really the best.

Magnum2G3, what's wrong with saying that MF isn't the best coaster ever made ? There are many awesome coasters out there and everyone can have their own opinion about which is the best
*** This post was edited by Ocean Motion on 6/5/2000. ***
Yeah no kidding, Magnum2G3. Everyone doesn't have to like MF. I love both steel and wood for different reasons. I love steel for inversions and speed (Raptor/MF) and I love wood for that outta control feeling and roughness (MS/Psyclone). I have been a CP fan all my life and have never been to PKI and I'm willing to gladly admit that their SOB looks like a work of art. I'd like to get around to riding that one! However, I can think of a simple way to compare the two. Which one do you enjoy riding the most. It's that simple. Wood, Steel, or plastic (yes, I am aware that was stupid). Whichever one you like riding more is your favorite, period.

aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
I rode both coasters last week.I rode the force in the front car 3 times,and from the middle and back 3 or 4 times,it is a great ride from any seat,but the front rules because of the visual and the great airtime.I only waited 25 minutes the first time i rode the force,with my longest wait being around an hour and a half.I rode sob after a 3 hour wait and got the crap beat out of me.After that it broke down again,it was only running one train.Why dont you compare a coaster to the force that is actually running at full speed.SOB is a waste of wood,pki should of had CCI build them a ride.
Maybe the most important thing to consider is that a lot of people on this board may have gotten a bad opinion of SOB because of its problems. Personally, I haven't ridden either yet(yet is the KEY word in this sentence), but just because CP just happened to get theirs up and running good before PKI did doesn't mean that SOB isn't better than MF. SOB may be the best ride ever built(probably not), but who knows? But I will say one thing. I always ride MS first when I get to CP. Why, you ask? Get the rough work or art over!:)

Jeff Young
"but just because CP just happened to get theirs up and running good before PKI did doesn't mean that SOB isn't better than MF."

By no means was this a mistake!
That was supposed to be rough work OF art!

Jeff Young

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