Lately to me it has seemed that MF has been breaking down on (shall i say) more of a regular basis. Either the lift sled, or a train or two, or something puts this ride down. I am not complaining just wondering what the causes are. Sometimes the anti-rollbacks and wheels burn out; but are the other things. Also and most importantly is there anything they will do to improve this matter. MF has broken down the most of any of the coasters. Not complaining, just wondering how will they fix the bugs for good.
Raptor Flights: 78
Force Rides: 32
From what I have learned, the problems have been simmilar to Darian Lakes S:ROS. I've been told there were many simmilar problems with it last year (it's first year in operation). Seems to me that it take a good summers worth of operation to get the kinks outta these new Intamin coasters :)
I'm sure that operations will improve with time, I juat wish I had more detail on what keeps breaking!
I went to ride MF again today (7-10) and yet again it was down, around 8pm. It was running again after park closing...not sure if they were just testing, or possibly clearing the cue of the die hards who waited out the down time.
I think RideMan put it best... when they get as comfortable with the ride as they are Magnum, things will go smoothly.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Keep in mind too that I don't think its "broken down" like all are saying al the time..IMHO its "precautionary shutdowns" that are happening more frequently than not...Remember people its a one of a kind coaster and it will take time to get into that "magnum type" groove!!
new MF photos
You also have to take into part that Millennium Force has several things that have never been seen on rollercoasters before so it is bound to have problems. By the end of this season or the start of next season the park should probably become used to having a coaster as tempermental as Millennium Force.
not tempermental ...just new...will take time to groove....
mf laps = 32
Raptor used to break down well it seemed like every day!
Live for FUN!
I remember in Raptor's first year I saw it get stuck on the lift seemingly every time I looked at it. In my four trips since then, I've hardly seen it get stuck anymore. Thing is, no coaster is going to be flawless in its first year (or any year) so just everyone wait and see, MF will be more awesome I'm sure next season
Be happy it doesn't break down 2 times everyday. *cough*SOB*cough*
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It did break down two times monday night. Once for about 45 minutes not sure what it was. They were only running one train. Then they put the yellow on, it made around 10-15 laps and the rollbacks went out (or I should say on) so it went off. Back to one train, the other being red. Then the reds rollbacks did the same thing as yellow about 10 minutes after they took yellow off. Thus leaving 0 trains on the track. That is when I went home and said 32 rides is good enough. I do think they will get the kinks worked out this summer and be fine next summer. :)
Raptor Flights: 78
Force Rides: 32
What was wrong with Raptor that it got stuck all the time?
Sensors are a bit overly sensitive, I believe.
They are getting better at replacing wheels, though. I saw the mechanics fix a wheel in under 5 minutes yesterday in the unload station. It looks like a new kind of wheel to me, metal with a silver colored lining. It was awesome watching them do it, it was at NASCAR speed (and similar sound effects). At least the mechanics are getting more accustomed to this ride. They did make an announcement for this though, saying we could leave the line and whatnot, but I'm not sure why, since it only took 5 minutes to replace that wheel.
I don't know what's going on with the anti-rollbacks that they keep screwing up, but I think that CP should set aside 3 days where they fix one train really well each day and have a 2 train operation those days. I don't know if this would work because I have no idea if the mechanics fix it fine anyway. I just thought the trains might of just gotten a fix that would "tide them over till tomorrow."
I am more on the page of this just being something no one has any experience with and it will be a while till CP and Intamin figure it out.