MF 1st or Last or When?

I'm going to cedar point for the first time ever in a month and i was wondering if i should ride MF first thing in the morning or last thinig or when? I'm hoping for a short line if that possable. And are the lines much shorter with three trains?

Mpls MN
If I were you I would ride it last. Simply because its your first time there. Ride everything else first and enjoy it and then near the end of the day head to MF. If you ride MF first it might spoil everything else. No Im not saying that all the other rides are boring just that MF is sooooo good it might take something from them or make you spoiled.
Do not get there early in the morning! In the early morning the lines are very long. I have seen them range from 4 to 5 hours in the morning. Get on it I'd say more twards closing. They range from 3 to 2 hours. If you go during the week, the lines aren't as long. Take my advise, I'm there just about everyday.

MF Count: 7
I agree with you ThRiLLSeEkeR, MF does seem to spoil you. I had never rode Magnum before, and I did after MF, and Magnum just did seem as good as everybody said it was.
I also agree with ThRiLLSeEkeR. You got to experience the world's greatest park before you experience the world's greatest ride! Like a kid in a candy store you will have 14 coasters to choose from. Why not save the best for last. In a way, I am envious of you Twister. I would love to go back and experience the park for the first time again. Of course they didn't have all of the rides they have today either.

When you are done you will know why CP is considered the greatest amusement park on Earth!

"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs
When my daughter and I go to the park, we ride MF 1st(long lines or not), 2nd, Maybe 3rd and of course after the queue is closed(last) so you can experience the awesome lighting:)

We only have 12 rides on MF, but then we live 2 hours away.
hey i know the park opens at 9am, rides dont start till 10am... but when is TOO early to go? how early do they let you into the parking lot? i was thinking of gettin there around 8:30am... i am talkin about a normal weekday in a couple of weeks... think it will be packed in the morning by then still?
Heh my last trip we got up too early and we arrived at the park at like 7:30 and we maybe waited a few mins and then they started letting cars in. We were the 4th car in. So we sat and watched space spiral sway in the wind for about an hour and a half.
If you get there before the ride operates, do it first. It won't spoil anything. If anything, it got me pumped for the rest of the day. All the other rides were just as exciting/boring as they were before MF was even a twinkle in CP's eye :). If you get there after it starts operating, forget it and come back, the line will be too long til later in the day.

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