MF + heavy rain = PAIN!

I believe I now know what it feels like to be attacked by a swarm of bees.  I rode Millennium Force today in a semi-heavy rain and let me say that the pain was a bit much to take by the end of the ride.  I suppose hitting anything at 92 mph would hurt, but this was pretty bad.  I kept my eyes closed almost the entire ride after the first drop due to a raindrop smacking my eyeball on the first overbank.  I also kept my hands up not to enjoy the ride, but to shield my face from the barrage of rain drops.  Sounds fun, huh?  Has anybody else ever had the pleasure of riding this ride, or any other fast coaster, for that matter, in a heavy rain?
Of course, the best part was that as soon as we got off the ride, it stopped raining! : )
Here's to wood in 2002!

*** This post was edited by MooreOn on 8/10/2001. ***

lol it always figures it stops raining after the fact.

And no, I've never had the pleasure(?!?) of riding anything in the rain.

'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'

I've ridden the force in the rain. I remember one time in particular. The clouds were dark when I was on the ramp. When I got to the station I was lucky enough to get front seat. (You still weren't allowed to wait for the front seat.) They open the gates and I get in, fasten my seatbelt, and pull down my lapbar. When suddenly it starts to pour. We start up the lift and it wasn't that bad. Until we dropped. The entire ride I couldn't keep my eyes open. It hurt sooo bad! Fuuny thing was it was my 200th ride.
2000 MF LAPS: 117
2001 MF LAPS: 146
Gemini 100: 100
LuvRaptor's avatar
Rain and MF...ahhhh...remember it QUITE well and I am sure so does my PIC Hooper....MM...28 laps. No downpour but even a slight drizzle HURT like HECK!Eventually the sky broke open and no more rain but by then we already had the welts!! The worst rain related riding I can recall was 2 Halloweekends ago, it was POURING so bad even the Raptor ops said "you guys are crazy" before the train pulled out. Rode Raptor 30x that night and I swear 29 of those were in a downpour. It was a BLAST!!

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

*** This post was edited by LuvRaptor on 8/10/2001. ***

I did the force in the rain, kinda felt like hail! lol
Okay, let me tell you about my little experience. I went to Cedar Point, knowing that rain was forecasted. Anyway, I got there a little before noon. It was kind of cloudy. I decided to take advantage of the ability to wait for the front. Anyway, about 3 trains before mine, it just started to downpour. And we're talking big droplets...I wasn't looking forward to that ride very much.

I boarded and as we pull out of the station I knew I was in for one HELL of a ride...The first drop was cool because we fell faster thatn the raid and the rain fell up...something you don't see everyday. :) I wasn't able to enjoy the rest of the ride at all. The pelting rain felt as if was piercing my skin. It felt like hundreds of needles poking into my face. I *tried* to shield my face from the painful onslaught of water droplets, but had little success.

The only parts I could open my eyes up on and *enjoy* myself was the drops and in the tunnels. Since I had ridden it several times, and know the layout, I knew where these parts were so that helped a little. No only did hurt like hell, but I also got way more soaked than on any ride on Thunder Canyon. Remember I was up front so I got the worst possible treatment.

Let's just say that it was an "unique" experience. If I had a choice of riding MF in the pouring rain or not riding it at all, I would choose to ride it just because I'm a coaster freak, but the average member of the GP couldn't be dragged on that thing kicking and screaming. :)

Although it was the more excruciating thing I've ever been through, at least I can say I *experienced* it a much different way than the other 19 times I rode. :)

I ended up liking the fact I got soaked though because I didn't care that I got rained on for the rest of the time it rained. People on Magnum were complaining about how a slight drizzle hurt while on Magnum, they had no idea how bad it could have been...

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 8/11/2001. ***

I rode the Son of Beast in the rain and man, that was pain!  So I can imagine MF hurting like a swarm of bees!
If there's bugs on your shirt, you had a good ride.
Once I rode Thunder Run during a heavy rainstorm. I'm pretty sure I kept my eyes closed (or at least covered) for the entire ride. MF in the rain...that sounds pretty bad!
It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
MaGnUm XL-200

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