Memorial Day Weekend crowds.

I'm planning on a trip to CP May 26 and May 27. But I just realized that is Memorial Day weekend. Does the park usually get really crowded these days?
Jeff's avatar
Big time. Reschedule now!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Can't, unfortunately. But then, it won't be a coaster concentration that day for me.
How are crowds on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend?
Last year I went with my school to CP on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend... the longest wait we had was 45 minutes for Mantis, and then about 15-30 minutes for the rest of the coasters; Except MS (walk-on), Raptor (5 min), and PT (5-10 min)
Two years ago I went on Memorial(saturday)weekend. Most I waited was 35 min for Raptor.

I'm set for the Friday of Memorial Day. I shouldn't have to fight the Michigan crowd, as that Friday *isn't* a holiday day for the majority of the region.

Actually, I think in the FAQ section at the official site, it says contrary to popular belief, Mermorial Day weekend isn't that bad. I think I'm supposed to go that Thursday or something.
I don't know about Memorial day weekend, but the weekdays (Tuesday to Thursday) after Memorial day are a great time to go. School is still in and the lines are very short.

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