Memorial Day Weekend

We are driving up Friday night from Atlanta for the weekend. Anyone else making the trek from 'down south'? My friend has never been and I can't wait to see his reaction to TTD! 3 days and counting... :)

Better hope for no rain or all hell see is Cedar Points Tallest Lawn Statue. but good luck hope he gets to ride it!
*** Edited 5/25/2005 3:30:47 PM UTC by arms_down***

lol, I know... It's looking like it will probably be a bit touch-and-go with the weather. We'll be there until Monday afternoon, so I'm sure we'll have at least SOME decent weather. <keeps fingers crossed>

Im going on friday as well, its supposed to be scattered storms, but not the whole day... hope you guys have fun!

First Year: 1985
First Roller Coaster: Blue Streak
Favorite Coaster: Wicked Twister

are the crowds usually higer Memorial Day weekend, or are they pretty persistent....

Top Thrill Dragster....Always number one

bholcomb's avatar

I'd go, but I'll be too busy riding X and Xcelerator and Ghostrider.

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