Media Day

Hey there!
For all you peeps going to Media Day tomorrow: Look me up! I will be there from approx. 8-9am (Short, i know, but i take what i can get)I will be wearing either a green Cedar Point ESD T-Shirt or a blue Cedar Point sweatshirt depending on the temp. I will be one of the few 14 year olds there! Hope to see ya tomorrow!

Jeff Walker
Wow,a 14 year old credentialed member of the media. Funny they wouldn't let a columnist for a local and college newspaper in but they let kids in.
Have a GREAT time Jeff!

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
Bitter much, Rob?

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

You just have to know the right people. Or, you have to have some respect for Cedar Point by not complaining about everything you don't like at Cedar Point. Or, you have to have some kind of reason for being there that would promote their park. i.e. Jeff, Dan, Local Media, ect. You've also got to have some "credibility."
I don't complain one iota about CP. They are on the verge of perfection in my book. It just erks me when I mail them they basically told me unless I was from CBS they didn't want me there. Yes,I am from the media, I write for a Sun Newspaper in my neighborhood as well as a college newspaper. That seems credible enough to meet stars like Mark Mcgwire and Sammy Sosa when they were in town and Tim Couch a few days after his drafting last year but not credible enough to ride a roller coaster I guess. Oh well, I can wait. Eventually I will find the right rear end to smooch on like everyone else :)
The ride seemed faster today than on Sunday
and airtime was also spectacular.And when I
was asked about the best part of the ride I
told her "not having to wait 3 1/2 hours"
They Cedar Point staff was excellent and I
had a great time.
My English teacher caught something about 6:40 on a local staion. Unfortunately, I was watching CNN Headline :( Then, I had to go to school before I could do some more channel surfing.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
It seems this staff on MF is quickly earning the respect of everyone that has encountered them. Better than the infamous Mantis crew I guess?

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