Mean Streaks first year (1991)

Did they add another set of brakes on the drop? There are now two sets instead of one.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
There have been two calipers up there for a while now. I think they are trying to compete with The Beast at PKI for "Most Braking Force Used on a First Drop". This year, though, I think the calipers open a little later than they did last season.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I remember the pre-trimmed Mean Streak and it did have a lot of airtime. And i also think they were going for airtime and speed. For example the third hill gave a ton of both. Also the blocks didn't slow it down as much as it does now. They bring the train to a crawl. And that makes the final trip around the track pretty boring. Also that last trip could benifit from being closer to the ground to gain speed. I thought it was a great ride in 91; but now i agree with the general concensus.
Pete's avatar
I remember Mean Streak in 1991 also. The third hill did give a lot of air, as did the hill right before the mid-course brakes. That hill still give some airtime today. The second half of Mean Streak was always lacking in action though. No air and no real laterals. Mean Streak would be a much better ride if the second half was reprofiled to put some real bunny hops in there.
MS is actually well designed for the space it was designed to occupy. It was made to be a somewhat compacted ride and I think it was made perfectly! I only find the hard seats beating the crap out of you the only problem, like others have said earlier!
"Mr fantastic can you reach down the corner and get me a pop can?"

-Melted Vinyl-
By: Furthermore
Last Saturday I got to ride MS 5 times at night. The last time we rode we were the only 2 people on the ride, it was the last ride of the day. I know that they turned the trims off on the big block, and it seemed like we were going alot faster than the rides before. Considering that we were the only two people in the car, I think I should have my head examined. I also think the ride is alot smoother(as of now) than it was last year.
I unfortunatly did'nt have a chance to ride it in 91. I was only 7 and too short. I think it is a pretty good ride though, I hope during coaster mania they turn off the trims for all of us enthusiest.

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