Mean Streak infield

I was just wondering if anybody noticed anything different inside and also on Mean Streak this weekend?

There is definitely something going on back there. They are building a fairly large structure in the infield of Mean Streak, which progressed over the weekend. I know it is going to be a storage shed for components, but I just think it's an odd place.

The other thing, which Dan pointed out and I saw later on, is the addition of the platform on Mean Streak where the first drop and a return hill cross.

Any insight?

Tyler Adams
They are building it IN the infield? I thought they were building it in the boneyard.
I think they are building a shed for the trains, when MS rollsback they can just drop the trains off in the shed. J/K!

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
well, like i said before back in may when i went. i knew there was something going but wasn't sure.but i said there was some kind of surports back there but people disagreed with me. i think that there could be a coaster going back there.
I was a little distracted while riding Mean Streak on Sunday because I was examining the foundations for that building. A few of us were discussing that construction; the addition of that building (obviously it is a building; there is a nice square foundation and roof trusses are on site) may explain why the Gemini cars were parked in the Mean Streak infield instead of between Mean Streak and Gemini or in the Gemini parking lot as in previous years. Scott and I were speculating that with the construction going on in the old boneyard for the campground expansion, perhaps they lost a building previously used for off-season maintenance.
It does kind of make sense. During the season, that new building may well become a dedicated maintenance shop for Mean Streak; in the off-season it might be a good place to rehab the park's 73 Arrow Runaway Train cars.
Remember, this is all speculation, as usual... :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Jeff's avatar
Speculation, sure, but the most logical explanation is usually the best.

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Millennium Force laps: 50

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