Mean Streak being replaced?

Perhaps they will swap Son Of The Beast for Mean Streak!

Seems like a pretty even-up deal to me.

I know, they will enclose it, and make it the first indoor woodie!!!

coolkid2345's avatar

I love Mean Streak. As long as the rider leans forward while riding, it is a great experience. Does anyone think it is the trains that make the ride a bad experience? The ride also has the lack of banked curves; the most notable would be the first n-shaped turn after the first hill.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

crazy horse's avatar


Let me get this stright..You said that the ride is a great experience, but the trains make it a bad experience?

Not trying to be a smart ass, but that makes no sense.

Last edited by crazy horse,

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

coolkid2345's avatar

I am saying that why does everyone complain? Is it because of the train what makes it a bad experience?

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

bholcomb's avatar

We complain because it's a largely uninspired and uninteresting layout. There's one moment of slight airtime throughout the whole ride, and not many places of lateral g forces. That is what makes the smaller new wooden coasters so much fun - The fact they contain so many directional changes and airtime moments, and they're somewhat smooth.


LuvRaptor's avatar

The only thing worse than SOB is Mean Squeak. I cant believe CF would even think about reopening SOB-that is a standing lawsuit waiting to happen. People who say SOB and MS are good woodies need to get on some true good woodies. Shivering Timbers, Terminator Salvation, Voyage, Raven, Legend, El Toro to name a few.
The Racers at KI had a bunch of retracking done this year and the ride is AMAZING!!! I see MS had a bunch of retracking done and yet it still sucks :(
If CF is so concerned about their coaster count then tear down MS, put something else there (please be a GCI--or anything but an Intamin) and then the count stays the same!

Lifetime Raptor flights: 2231 :)

Last edited by LuvRaptor,

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

LuvRaptor said:
People who say SOB and MS are good woodies need to get on some true good woodies. Shivering Timbers, Terminator Salvation, Voyage, Raven, Legend, El Toro to name a few.

I rode Shivering Timbers a few years ago......ONCE. Never again. I will ride Mean Streak a hundred more times before I ever get on Shivering Timbers again. I have never hurt as bad after a ride as I did after that ride. Seems to me that Mean Streak gets meaner as the temps rise. Rode it in May when it was cooler out and it wasn't bad. A couple weeks ago, when it was in the 90's, the "Mean" came out. Not a coaster I get on every weekend at the park, but from time to time I enjoy taking a spin. As far as converting it to something like Gemini, why bother? CP already has a Gemini, and, in my opinion, every park needs one good wood coaster to beat you up a little. Makes all the steel coasters feel a little smoother than they already are :)

Steven Patuna's avatar

Shivering Timbers is an excellent coaster in my opinion. It's a classic out-and-back and has some great hills after the first drop. While it may be a little rough, it's not even close to as rough as Mean Streak.

bholcomb's avatar

How can anyone say Shivering Timbers is rougher than Mean Streak? Granted I haven't been out there yet this year to do some laps, but it's a real good ride IMO. I think you may be confusing airtime for rough, which is why a lot of people seem to think Magnum is 'rough'.

Shivering Timbers is running really smooth this year with a little rough patch in the turn around. I was impressed with how smooth it was, they are also placing the new wood in the center of the track throughout the course. Wolverine Wildcat on the other hand is 100 times worse than Mean Streak. It soooo bad you can see the in the track. I would have to say it ranks up there with the son of beast as being extremely rough.

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

Jax R.'s avatar

I hope to one day ride Voyage, it looks amazing but I have ridden El Toro....A LOT and while I love it, the intense twisting of the second half makes the re-reide factor for me low. Being whipped around like that is not something I can handle for a marathon ride session. I can and have marathoned MS quite comfortably-9 times in a row last season. ET has one of the best first drops on any coaster out there, and the hills are awesome, really love the swooping dive heading back to the twister finale and the ejector air you get hopping over Rotting Lumber is awesome but after that is where the re-rideability drops for me. I suspect that's why my love of Maverick isn't higher than it's an awesome ride but the fast transitional changes are just too rough on my neck.

My love of MS goes beyond the mediocre layout...evening rides with the sun setting make for a beautiful trip up the lift. It's a long ride, I love the sounds of the train zipping along, I LOVE being encased in all that's like a wooden sarcophagus close to the end when you're traveling through the structure back to the station.

I have a question? Why aren't they using the Green Train this year for Mean Streak? Each time I've ridden it this year, It's only been Gold & Red? Also my thought is it all depends on where you sit on Mean Streak. If you sit close to the front, it's a great wooden coaster. That's my opinion though. And another thought I had was if Mean Streak were to be torn down, rebuild it with the same layout, same name, and different manufacturer. What I mean by that is, build it like they did Voyage. Have a nice steel structure with the wooden track. I've said this before too, if they did anything with Mean Streak, keep the first hill. When ever you walk by Mean Streak by CP&LE Railroad, all you can say is Mean Streak has a beautiful layout. The lift hill is what everyone notices right away about it. Has anybody ever ridden it towards the evening? You never know it could be a kick butt ride at night.

Jesz's avatar

I confirm that this rumor is true. My mom's cousins's dentist's friend knows the lemon chill guy. He said that they are going to replace it with a 500ft wooden coaster with 20 inversions. ;)

Mean Streak is a beautiful coaster. Too bad it wasn't so rough.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Shawn, have they even needed the green train yet this year? Every time I've been to the Point so far this season, MS has been a virtual walk on. Perhaps they cannibalized a few parts from green to keep the others tip top, and didn't feel like they had to spend to get it back in running shape this season (complete conjecture, obviously.)

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^ I never thought of it that way. Good point!

coolkid2345's avatar

Both times I have been there, they could have used the green train. The queue was filled and they might have used the overflow area after I got off. It was a 30-40 minute wait. This was at 1:00 in the day.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

bholcomb said:
I think you may be confusing airtime for rough

Nah, I know my back knows the difference between air time and rough. The one time we rode, we got both, and I have yet to get off Mean Streak and hurt as bad as I did on Shivering Timbers. Maybe it's a difference in the size of the trains or lap bars or something that my 6' 4" frame has an issue with.

crazy horse's avatar

I had no issues at all with timbers.

We just went to timbers fest, and we got 12 rides in a row without getting off. No problems at all. Fairly smooth for a wooden coaster, and a lot smoother then mean streak.

Not to mention that the layout is much more exciting than mean streak.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Okay, it was 3 years ago when we went to Michigans Adventure, so maybe they've done some work on it since then or something. May have to try to catch it again sometime in the next couple years.

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