Mean Streak

LuvRaptor's avatar

OK-not starting an MS "complaint" thread here but-I again gave MS another "chance" yesterday to see if any improvements had been made to this coaster. 15 minute wait-ok-I will ride it. Longer wait for front car-I didnt wait-MISTAKE.
Was it my imagination or did they had 2 more trim brakes to the 1st hill?? I heard and felt THREE brakes when going down the 1st hill-I was SHOCKED-and amazed we managed to get up the hill.
WHAT a waste! I had hooked up with a coaster freak who had ridden MS years ago and hated it now.
What is the deal?
When is CP going to give up on this chiropractors dream machine?
Why 2 MORE trim brakes?

Mean Streak: Pretty to look at...PERIOD

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

Hmmm..I had my best Mean Streak ride ever yesterday. Next time, try riding the Red train, 3rd seat from the front at about 7 pm. WOW! smoother than usual and FAST!! I think I'll ride it in the evening from now on!
What I am seeing is that it depends on the train, where you are sitting and how your are riding the ride.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 71/442
'00 M. Force Count:48/310
I went to Cedar Point yesterday for the first time this season, was very disappointed with MS those brakes really change the feel of the ride, why did they put these things on, because without them the MS used to be my favorite ride.
I really have not rode this ride enough to make an accurate 100% true point. But from what i remember last year and my two rides this year; I think it is smoother towards the back of the train. my first ride was in the front this year and that was the roughest. second this year was towards the back and it was smoother but still rough. Maybe those diehard meanstreak riders can tell us what train and what car is the SMOOTHEST to ride on.

Raptor Flights: 23
Force Rides: 14
I am sorry but I don't see how you guys feel that brake, maybe it is just me

Millennium Force Rids:0
Magnum XL-200 Drop:2
Mean Streak Shake Down:1
Mantis Stands:1
Raptor Fl
I rode Red 2 weeks ago and had an awesome ride. Smooth and fast! Trims on the first hill BARELY grabbed. It was the closest to the original MS I've ridden in years. 3 weeks ago I rode Gold and it was poopy. I thought we were going to come to a stop on that first hill. Very slow and rough. :(
Go figure.

aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Magnum2G3, not trying to make you mad, but how could you not feel them? At least when I rode it Memorial Day weekend, in the rain, on the red train, those brakes made it feel like we were going to stop right there on the hill. I used to love MS, but the ride is just ruined by all of the brakes everywhere. We rode it Saturday of that weekend, and when the rest of our group was with us on Sunday, we didn't even bother going back there. Those of us who did ride it were so dissapointed we decided to take the time to ride other coasters instead.

Rides to the top of the world: 4
The Mean Streak has the same amount of brakes as last season they just have them tuned a little better.

The Green train is VERY rough. Stay away from that train at all costs. The Red train is nice and smooth (for a wood coaster). I guess it really is in the trains.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Good, less people in line to ride!

Visit my RCT CP site.
From my experiences, Green-roughest, Yellow-rough, Red-least rough.

My only ride on MS on June 2, was on Yellow. The brakes grabbed hard on the drop. I helped my friends by telling them when and which way to shift so they wouldn't get as beat up. It was a rough, fast ride-just the way I like it. I talked to a lot of coaster freaks, and I brought how I thought that woodies should be rough and how it gives them character. They agreed. One of the ones I talked to, said that it should be a challenge not to get beat up. I think he was exactly right.

Rough and wild are the way I like 'em!
We rode it 4 times last week, the back seat OUCH, felt like someone beat me up, the front much better, but there was 3 breaks in the first drop??? What's up with that?

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