Mean Streak

Gooober is right-it is "aweful"-it brings a look of awe to my face every time I see it. However, the ride itself is "awful"

Sorry-I won the Spelling Bee in Junior High and couldn't resist:)

Jeff Young
Tear Mean Streak down?? Now that's the dumbest idea i've ever heard. This ride is a little on the rough side, but stil fun and since when did Mean Streak ruin CP's reputation. I think it gives it a reputation.
Next CP Trip-DATE: 6-23-00 6-25-00!!! Can't Wait!
I rode MS for my first ride of the season today. After riding Villain at SFO 38 times, this thing is SLOOOOW. But, it was not rough at all today (middle of the green train)
If they would be able to remove the brakes if they get CCI to put new track and trains on then MS would be all set. I think it would make it into the top 10 on the wooden coaster list pretty easy, even though it has more competition this year.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11
I've been hearing that M.S. will get fixed any day now since '95. It's not. It can't be. And it never will be.
Why not? Never is a long time.
I think they are trying hard to return it to a top 10 ride.
Over the past winter,the 1st part of the ride had the top 2 layers of Douglas Fir track taken off,and replaced with pine.I think the giveness of the pine gives it a much smoother ride.I have had several rides this year on the wheels.NO HEADACHE! ROUND WHEELS THIS YEAR!!
Since opening day this season,they have done alot of work. Rework on 3rd hill.The morning of Coastermania,when driving by,there were big ledgers being replaced.Since then,I have noticed many of them are new.
I hate the brakes as much as anyone else.But I have to admit that I really enjoy MS this year.And look foward to it's 10th ANN.!
I would be all for keeping MS if CP could return it to it's new ride performance. I'd rather have my head dunked in a toilet and then get 2 front car rides on MF than get unlimited rides on MS.

Sorry guys, I find this ride to be not keeping with the high standards that CP sets. I'm also glad to hear it has so many loyal fans, but

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Tearing it down is not the answer. It's such a beautiful ride and it can be fixed. For example, I was at Kings Island in 1996 and thought the Beast was ready to fall apart. It was so rough and was just ridiculous. Other people agreed with me who went around that time. But I just went to Kings Island a few weeks ago, and The Beast was so smooth, the total opposite of my last experience. I don't know what they did, but it was incredible. The same can happen to Mean Streak. I really think CP should give it a face-lift for its anniversary next cars, new track completely.
Don't fix it if it aint broke!

It's a great ride, and if you must do something different, take off the trims.
I went to CP yesterday and rode MEAN STREAK twice in the front seat. It was awesome. The only flaw I see is the trim brakeS at the top of the hill.
I got some pretty good airtime on a few hills. Also Magnum was running pretty hot yesterday, Best rides i've had in about 3 years.

Force rides - 12
You know something? I just had an epiphany.

Didn't someone say that next year they were going to do the same thing as what they did to follow up the Magnum? Wasn't that to revamp Avalanche Run? Maybe they are going to do something for Mean Streak.

Let's face it, a ride on MS might as well be sitting in a chair and getting hit with a 2X4. Heh. It's rough.

Yeah, that was discussed it another thread. I'm not sure, but maybe in the Screamscape thread.

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