Mean Streak !?

I don't know how many people took the time to ride it on AAA day, but this was the best ride I ever had on it. Fact, I walked off it without a single scratch or bruise. I was quite impressed. it was also the longest line for it I've seen in quite some time. What I'm afaid of is that by August it will be back to it's normal condition of slamming you around violently. We waited about 45min. to an hour I think. Anyone else have any other thaughts?

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Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
45 min to an hr?? Wow we walked right on it 3 times straight with no wait...between 1 and 1:30.....I still thought it was a bit rough though...

Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
MSU National Champs 2000
A little known fact about Mean Streak is parts of it are retracked weekly (sometimes daily) giving it a new track by the end of the season.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
After just looking at Mean Streak I decided I didn't want to ride. After you've just been on the two best woodies in the world (Legend and Raven), Mean Streak just doesn't compare...
While the Legend and the Raven aren't the tallest or even the fastest coasters around, I'll take either one over the Mean Streak or Beast any day. Stark Raven Mad at Holiday World was awesome, especially when it turned dark.
do they still have brakes on the first drop?i hope not
I still think Mean Streak is better then the majority of wooden coasters. I have been on many and still think it's in the top 5 in the country for woodies. Anyone that complains about oh how rough it is a baby.
Jeff's avatar
...or thinks that having to fight the ride to make it enjoyable is insane.

I don't think you've been on enough other woodies to call MS a top five. So far this year every woodie I've been on tops it (Thunderbolt, Jack Rabbit, Beast and Villain).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
Not to mention HersheyPark's Wildcat.

Lightning Racer is OK and has a neat gimmick, but I expected GCI to come up with something that wasn't so much like the Wildcat.

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
I agree with the Mean was the best ride I've ever had on it...(I didn't get to go on it the year it came out.) It was great minus the brakes at the top of the hill and the last half of the ride.
I have been on those KennyWood rides. I would have to say Beast as the best woodie. Thunderbolt is over rated in my opinion. Sure it's an old coaster with history to it. Personally I think the Cyclone at Coney Island in New York is the best old wood coaster. Too bad it's in a bad location.
Mean Streak is in my top five, I love how long it is. Beast is (to me) a big mine train and Wildcat is to short. SFO/GL's woodies are a lot worse than Mean Streak (as of 1999).

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
When is was working at CP in 93, there was a terrible drought. Mean streak was closed for nearly two months due to the high heat and fear of cracking. They had to install a water sprinkler system trough out the ride to prevent the beams from cracking and i believe to this date they are still in place!!! On a hot day you can see especially on the hill, where they are wetting it down.

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