You might even find the story of the little boy who fell off a ride, and hit the pavement five feet from his mother a bit in poor taste, as the mother relates having her son's brain and skull parts sprayed onto her.
(Note To Jeff: Perhaps you should send McCall's a copy of your excellent rebuttal to "Crash" Markey's crusade to make the world safe from amusement parks.)
BTW---Congressman Markey is on the committee charged with the investigation of the Ford/Firestone situation; and I believe he'll probably try to blame that on rollercoasters, also. ("Hey! If a rollercoaster can blow out an artery, it can blow out a sidewall!")
*** This post was edited by AKA_john_miller on 8/12/2001. ***
The story is found (really) on page 52.
Sorry folks.
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