May 7 preview day

Whoo-hoo!!!! Due to a preview day being done by Cedar Point exclusively to Ohio AAA members, I get to ride the Millenium Force on May 7! This makes me way more excited than I probably should be... but still. :-)


P.S. It's great to live an hour away from Cedar Point! It's suprising how much Ohioans take Cedar Point for granted... we have what could be the best amusement park in the country, but it's just another park to me. Weird, ain't it?
Don't hold your breathe about getting to ride it on the 7th...
Why not? From what I understand, they have not been selling as many tickets as they thought they were, we plan to be there way before the place opens.
wagonboy i called cp and they say it will be open and available to ride and it also says it on the website...

magnum of MF now that is a real question. *** This post was edited by cplove on 4/11/2000. ***
Of course, I guess the issue here is getting there early enough... the gates open at 10, rides start at 11, my friend and I are hoping to get there around 9. I imagine there's going to be a mad rush through the park to get to the line for the MF... we're even going so far as to study the map and figure out the fastest way from the gate to the ride! :-)
Will all the other rides be operating?
parrothead: who cares what other rides are operating?? HAH! I love living only 30min away from Cedar Point (when I am home from college). I go to Ohio State and lemme tell you the arguments I get into about King's Island. Personally, I've never been there and could care less since Cedar Point kicks *koff* butt.
And to get there for 9am? Uh, I'll see you there then cause I'll get there about 6am. May sound extreme, but I was the first to ride Mantis and I remember back in the day when I stood in line for Magnum....we ran back there like there was no tomorrow. We got at CP prolly around 8am and ended standing in line for about 2 hours...
Jeff's avatar
Millennium Force will be fully functional and open for business on May 6.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I can't see paying to get in just to ride Millennium Force if all the other rides are closed. If you have a season pass great, if not...

Also is it only Ohio members? If so I think thats not right. It just seems wroung for us that live only an hour away in MI. I go to the park just as much, if not more, than the person a few miles from my house, just on the other side of the border.
Yeah, as far as I know, it's just for Ohio AAA members. And, you can't get in with a season pass. You have to go to an Ohio AAA office and pick up the tix. Sorry.
Magnum is sinking: I'm a AAA Michigan member and was able to buy tickets through the Sylvania office. I called there before I went, and they read the accompanying literature carefully while I was on the phone with them after I specifically asked if AAA Michigan members could also purchase tix. The literature said that you had to be "an AAA member"--there were no restrictions regarding state residency, or which AAA club you belonged to--at least in their interpretation. So I went down there that same day with my AAA Michigan card, and, after they verified I was still an active member upon presentation of the card, sold me the tickets I needed. It was well worth the drive (and the excessive wait I had to endure when I actually got to the office because they were very busy that afternoon).


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."
Thanks! I am so very excited right now I, I, well I don't know. I guess the Millennium has hit me again.

Does anyone know if any other coasters will be open? I want to see the improvments on two others. I guess Millennium Force is enough, but, everyone will be so excited about the Force that the line will be, well, LONG? Did I describe it well?
My conversations always end with "310 ft tall".
Well I would think that they all would be open, because that sure would be alot of people for 1 Ride, So I'd imagine that they most/all would be open, but I'm not sure!

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
They are only selling 22000 tickets. At 1600 riders per hour, everyone will get to ride since all 22000 will not ride MF.

Plus,regarding the first post in this thread.
WOOHOO-Whoopy doo-you and 21999 others get to ride the 7th, 50000 or so get to ride may 6th. Getting to the park at 9am will not help your situation any either, you may spend a little less time in line but is it really worth a 2 hour wait in line to get in to have to wait in line again?
Jeff's avatar
It's good to have friends that make baskets... ;)

Ugh... will April ever be over?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
CPLOVE thanks for clearing it up. I wasnt really sure if it would be open or not i've heard both.

Thats the only reason i told him not to hold his breathe
Well, it won't really make a diff if I get there at 9am... i'm going with 3 other people... I'm sure we can figure out a way to BS for a few hours. We've done it before. :-)
i agree jeff i wish april wopuld get over it will go bye faster for me b/c i am staring up hockey and we get spring break in 2 days in which ill be going to IOA and BGTB woohoo and prolly SFL so it will go bye quick for me

"Stand-up right,Hold on tight and enjoy your ride on MANTIS" *** This post was edited by RollaCoastaRida on 4/12/2000. ***
I miss Spring Hockey. We don't have it here (you'd think when you're playing Division I hockey you would.......).

Well, actually, the guys have it. Not the girls' team, but the guys team. Sometimes they let us practice with them. Nice of them EH?

Who do you play for Rolla? I played for the Ohio Flames for two years back home, it was a heck of a drive for me from New Castle, PA.

To get back on topic (well, something close to the topic), these next few months are gonna CRAWL by for me, and midterms and finals and all that good stuff to look forward to.
ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

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