Maverick blocks and tunnel slowdowns

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Any experts out there on Maverick's blocking and operations? I recently had a ride where the train slowed way down in the tunnel before the second launch. I think this is not uncommon, but I've never really understood why. The train would appear to be waiting for the block ahead to be clear, but shouldn't that be taken care of by the built in dispatch interval between trains up the lift?

Also, what's with the loud revving noises while in the tunnel? Is that the LIMs doing something?

Trains on Maverick seem to move in pairs similar to Dragster, but I've never fully understood why you sometimes slowdown or stop in the tunnel.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

missmagnum's avatar

I'm pretty sure that the trains slow down in the tunnel for effect. Maverick is supposed to be unexpected and wild! The trains aren't supposed to just rush through the dark tunnel... I'm sure it has to do with train timing also. It's not like they only have one train running at a time. Everything has to flow to avoid any ride accidents.

DSShives's avatar

The train will not launch from the tunnel until the one before it has hit the brake run. Thats why sometimes you may slow down more and wait to launch. Also, a train will not clear the lift hill until the train before it launches from the tunnel. Its all in the blocking system in place where 2 trains cannot be on the same block at once.

Steve Shives
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Chuck Wagon's avatar

Yes, I'm aware of how blocking systems work. And I'm not talking about a little slow down in the tunnel. I'm talking about slowing down to a complete crawl.

The trains are dispatched in pairs. Train B must wait for Train A to get beyond the brakes in the tunnel before it can go over the lift hill. Then it must wait for Train A to be in the safety brakes before it can be launched in the tunnel. The interval of time it takes from the 2nd launch to the safeties is the same every time, so why would Train B behave differently at different times in the tunnel?

It could maybe have something to do with the number of trains being used or the mode of operation, or maybe has to do with the launching mechanism itself. I remember in the first year or two of operations that riders who had a full stop in the tunnel were sometimes allowed to stay on and ride again. Not sure if they still do that kind of thing or not.

Last edited by Chuck Wagon,

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Pete's avatar

I think a delay in the station causes a train to wait on the final brake run, so the train in the tunnel must wait for it to clear.

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Yep, as others have said, it's completely due to blocking. A train in the tunnel can't launch until the one in front of it has cleared the next block (the final brake run). During ERT for Coastermania, I had 2 rides on Maverick where it slowed to a near crawl and just about stopped. I actually thought it was better than how the ride normally lasts and wish it always crept so slowly like that.
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I remember Maverick's trains completely stopping in the tunnel when it first opened - which was norm because all new things run slow when they first open. So that can be common right after it opens for the day.

As to during the day, it is a safety precaution to have a block there so the ahead train can clear the first block at the end of the ride. It can also be if the operator puts a hold on the ride for any reason or depending on how many people are on the train (the lighter the train, the easier it is to stop, the heavier the train the harder it is the stop).

I personally like it when it almost or comes to a complete the stop - you can feel the launch a lot more that way :)

I also noticed the crew for Maverick are like idiots - an operator dispatched a load before saying Clear

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Pete's explanation makes sense. I always assumed that there was enough blocks behind the station that 4 trains could be stopped there while 2 were still in the station. Although I realize now that I have never seen that situation occur or counted the exact number of brake runs.

I can't think of another coaster off the top of my head where a delay in the station could delay a train mid-course like that. Most seem to employ a sudden stop at the end of the ride if there is a delay, which can be painful (like Raptor, Magnum, and Gemini can be if you are not paying attention.)

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Aaronosmer's avatar

Iron Dragon used to be that way when they had 3 trains. If a train was sitting in the brake run, it would slow or even stop on the 2nd lift hill.

I could be wrong but I think I've seen 4 trains sitting on brakes behind Maverick's station.

Aaronosmer said:
Iron Dragon used to be that way when they had 3 trains. If a train was sitting in the brake run, it would slow or even stop on the 2nd lift hill.

Wait, Iron Dragon no longer runs on 3 trains? It kinda sucks because the capacity for that ride was amazing, which is probably why people having been complaining about the low capacity for Iron Dragon this year...Same thing with Corkscrew.

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

Nothing has worse than mine ride. Every time I am there they are running one train. Not that the line is long usually you only wait one or two runs but waiting for the ride to complete the course before reloading is not great.

AlexGillman's avatar

DeroCo, Yes, Iron Dragon does only run 2 trains now. Corkscrew can only run 2 trains which was mentioned in a different forum a while back, I don't remember why though.

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Maverick can retire the Bret train. RIP James Garner

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Jeff's avatar

Pretty sure it was named after Dick Kinzel's son.

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Iron Dragon allegedly stopped running 3 trains due to people complaining about being RUSHED ONTO the ride.

As for Corkscrew, I have a friend who says he swore he rode it with 3 trains not too long ago. The ride seems like it could stack 3 trains like Gatekeeper (the final brake is long enough for double stacking, making the MCBR a moot point in most situations) or Banshee.

Other users will be able to better answer, but corkscrew hasn't had all 3 trains even on the track since at least 2012, possibly earlier

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Not to throw off the thread topic, but speaking of blocks and slowdowns, does anyone know what is up with Mine Ride? Literally every train stops for about 15 seconds on the 2nd lift. I didn't actually ride to see if I could figure out what was going on, but that wasn't typical in my memory and it seems that in recent years, they never run more than 2 trains anyway so I don't think it SHOULD be any sort of blocking issue. Any ideas?


JW Addington's avatar

Only way it stops on the 2nd lift is if it is running 3 trains. It will crawl up the lift at first, if the train ahead of it hasn't cleared the block, it will stop.

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