Marina Entrance

I've nevered entered the park through the Marina Entrance, but given it's proximity to MF, I believe it may be an advantage tomorrow morning. Does this gate open as promptly as the main gates at 9am? Are there any disadvantages that I'm unaware of. Would just like to get one ride in early before the crowds hit. Thanks everyone!!
Seems to me that that entrance would be great. I've entered there... Just once you get in... RUN to the LINE!!! Enjoy... *** This post was edited by Tom Petty on 5/13/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Since they're going to put the auction people on there and do a little dog-and-pony show, you're wasting your time getting there early.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
How long would you expect the show to last? Is it worth waiting in line until it's over, or coming back a few hours later? By the way, I'm recently a new member to your site. Kudos on content and quality!!
Jeff's avatar
With the chance of morning rain, and the fact that I just spent 10 hours there yesterday, I'm not even going to show up until later in the day and go for a night ride. My suggestion: go directly to Magnum at opening. I doubt there will be much of a line there!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 22
Welcome RaptorRules!

You would not waste your time by getting there early. We did, and we only waited the 1 hour for the ride it open and then 1 hour in line. So basicly we waited 2 hours, then we went and hit other coasters. If you got there later, you would have had a 3-4 hour wait for MF.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
I also have a question about the Marina Entrance. My friends and I are going Memorial Day Weekend, and we would like to use that entrance. I have heard that CP will not allow anyone to walk over to the marina entrance. Is this true, and if so, any suggestions on how to get to the entrance?
They will let you go over to the Marina Entrance, they've painted a sidewalk on the paremeter road which leads you right to it.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
I still haven't gotten a straight answer on whether they sell tickets at that entrance.
Thanks, Hurricane!

If the gate for the Marina open at the same time as the front gate I would take my time getting to it. Justget there 10 to 15 min before it opens. Then you would have a shorter run to get to MF.

*** This post was edited by YZ10 on 5/14/2000. *** *** This post was edited by YZ10 on 5/14/2000. ***
I hope they will do a better job of getting people through the gate than they did on opening day. I thought a riot would break out when we(at the Marina gate) saw hoards of people sprinting past the Marina gate to MF. They didn't even open the gate up at 9:00am. Well, better luck next time.. Maybe on tues and Wed. *** This post was edited by Scooter on 5/15/2000. ***

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