Marina entrance - still a good strategy?

I had read before about entering through the Marina entrance to beat the main gate crowd to MF. We were planning on this (and on buying our tickets the day before when we check in at Breakers Express - I think I read you can buy park tickets at the desk there). However, some of you have had the experience of some "old guy" at the Marina Gate not opening it at 9:00 like they're supposed to. So, is the Marina Gate 1st thing in the AM worth it, or not?

Mount up & let's ride!
The past times that we have gone through the Marina gate it has been a good idea. But...the "old guy" did wait to open the gate once and then another time it was b4 the main gate opened that he let us through.
It was worth it when he opened it b4 the main gate because we all got ahead of that crowd w/o being out-of-breath from running down the midway.
So, I guess it all depends on what mood he's in for him to decide when to open the gate.
MF and that's my Final Answer ;)
MF count:15
Bring him some freshly baked cookies!

Whats life if you never get to the point?
MF: 12
Cheaprock buy your tickets online, you get $5.00 back to spend at the park.

MF Rides: 2
MF Dream Rides:310
They give us the same old lame excuse about having to hear the national anthem before they could let us in (at the Marina gate). Like it has been already said, it depends on the old guys mood that day.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
B-Town - Thanks, but I can save more $ with the coupons in the Getaway Guide (& not be forced to spend the $ in the park)! Thanks anyway.

Mount up & let's ride!
hay can you use your coupon in the gateway guide twards the purchase of tickets online? I'm trying to save money any way i can.

I was at CP last weekend... bummer on the weather. We traveled through the Marina gates w/ few problems. You have to tell them when its nine cause they aren't to adiment(sp?) about that subject. Otherwise if you sprint around that area you can catch the first train of the day as I did! WHAT A RIDE!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)

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