i know you guys are probley sick of this topic and all but I havent seen my answered answered in other posts. well here it goes
is it a good idea to use the marina enterance on wed morning? in the last couple days, have they been opening both enterences at the same time, or is there a delay? also, is it easy to park in the marina enterance in the morning? how do you do it? do you ask the parking attendent that you want to park there? or do you park in the general parking lot and walk over to marina enterance. any help would be great!
thanks in advance
scott stock
ps. this is my first post, but a LONG time reader.
Stock I have never parked by there but when I say it Saturday morning it was pretty full it may be a little less crowded on weekdays (if its full just park in the general parking lot and walk to the entrance by Marina), you can get there by going through the resorts tollbooth and the Marina Entrance is open in the morning it is the best way to get real fast to MF in the morning! Hope I helped you a little!