Mantis crew is LIGHTNING quick!!

No more complaining about stacking or slow dispatch times on my watch!  I went to Six Flags America yesterday and timed the dispatch intervals on Batwing more often than not to be on the upper end of the 4-5 minute range. 

With a 2-minute ride, that means that one train would leave the station every 6-7 minutes!  Insane!  How would you like your coaster to have a capacity of 240 pph?

There was never a train gone in less than two minutes.  Been there, done that (even got the shirt) but never again!

Speaking of slow oarding processes, I'd have to say that the Raptor crew is also fast.  Because I just got back from IOA and the Dueling Dragons crew is very slow and slack off a lot, they always have to lock and un-lock a bunch of rows.  And no it's not because they duel, the trains can catch up to each other on the lift.  So good job to CP on that.

*** This post was edited by CP FANatic on 8/16/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
Try the twin X-Flight at Six Flags Worlds of Attrocities. 200 pph would be an improvement!

Watch my grass grow:

I didn't find the capacity on X-Flight to be that bad when running two trains.  Try Serial Thriller, though......
At Hersheypark, Lightning Racer has a dispatch intrerval of 2:00+. I did the math and figured that it has about half the capacity of Gemini because of those horrable load and dispatch times. The dispatch times on Great Bear and the Comet aren't too good either at that park. Nothing compares to 70second dispatches!
CP's coasters have great dispatch intervals, great job. The Magnum crew especially does a good job :)
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
ROFLMAO@ Jeff! Yes, I was very disappointed in X-Flight when I went.


At the other end - on my recent trip to Knoebels, on the Phoenix the time it took after the train came to a stop in the station to unload, load, and start moving again averaged less than 30 seconds.  One train I was on was closer to twenty-five - amazing ...
The problem with Lightning Racer is that it is timed with the "booming Radio voice" spiel, I rode it last week and the dispatch times were very reasonable, the Great Bear, was very sporadic, quick dispactches followed by really sloooooow ones.
"If you look to the left side of the train you will see the Coasters of Cedar Point"

*** This post was edited by kneemeister on 8/16/2001. ***

I think Beeman hits the nail on the head.  Even if you view Mantis as having slow load/dispatch times, you're comparing it to the rest of the efficient operation at CP. 

Once you start comparing Mantis' time to the average dispatch of the average American coaster, the crew compares very nicely.

I'm always impressed that the Mantis loads as fast as it does. That has to be one of the biggest pains to load. What is so difficult about "don't bend your knees"? Every train I saw loaded had at least two rows unlocked and reset, but they still were moving out in good time.

We also saw an attempt to do the fastest solo-unload on the Mine Ride, but he missed the last car.


*** This post was edited by Jeff Finazzo on 8/17/2001. ***

I found the slowest loading coaster to be Gwazi at Busch Gardens.  First, the attendant checks the seatbelts.  Then the lapbar comes down and they check the lap bar.  I think it takes 2-3 minutes at least to load a train.  Compared to that, Dueling Dragons at IOA is pretty quick!  Actually, the Hulk at IOA is a pretty fast loader.

How is your post related to CP?

Just wondering.

"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0>
TD width=225 bgColor=#ff6600>FONT face=Verdana color=#ffffff size=2>B>Jeff/B>/TD>
TD align=middle bgColor=#ffcc00>NOBR>FONT face=Verdana color=#000000 size=1>(A style="COLOR: #000000" target=_blank href="" alt="Info">Info/A>) (A style="COLOR: #000000" href="">Edit/A>) (A style="COLOR: #000000" href="">Quote/A>)/NOBR>/TD>
TD align=right bgColor=#ffcc00>FONT face=Verdana color=#000000 size=1>NOBR>8/16/2001, 12:59:54 PM/NOBR>/TD>/TR>
TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=3>FONT face=Verdana color=#000000 size=2>Try the twin X-Flight at Six Flags Worlds of Attrocities. 200 pph would be an improvement!
P>----------------- /P>/TD>/TR>/TBODY>/TABLE>
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
...riiiiiiiight. LOL!

MF count: 20

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