Magnum/Raptor/MF POV splice with Metallica...

Last year, during Millennium Mania, I downloaded all the POV's Cedar Point made available. Ever since then, I've experimented with different songs seeing which fit the time constraint of the videos, which was fast enough, and which actually matched what the happened during the ride.

I finally found the one that is absolutely perfect. "Fight Fire with Fire" by Metallica matches up with these rides perfectly. Not only is it fast, it's also a song about nuclear warfare. These three rides are definitely among the best arsenal of coasters in the world, and I consider them atomic bombs on the industry. Using quicktime, I sped up Magnum's beginning right until the crest of the lift. The speed metal kicks in right at the very bottom of the first drop. The music is really fast for the first half of the ride, and the turnaround seems much faster with the music on. Due to time fitting all 3 in though, right after it exits the last tunnel, I have to cut to the Raptor POV.

The cool thing on Raptor is because just as the train starts to head down the first drop, he says, "We all shall die!" Also, later in the ride, right when the train turns towards the ride's big finale, it kicks into a really fast solo.

After that, MF is next. There are some hard drums during the ride up as well as another solo. Right after the crest, during the drop there are really hard drum beats adding more to the drop. It slows in the turnaround, and gets fast in the turn towards the tunnel. The music stops for a split second at the crest of the 3rd hill. The music is fast for the rest of the island, and then when it crests the other cross over hill, The song says, "Fight fire with fire..." over and over until they end with "Fight!" right at the crest of the bunny hill. Then, if that wasn't enough, after the last turnaround, you can hear the sound of whats supposed to be a bomb dropping just as the train decelerates. Then you hear the explosion, and the video cuts out.

This is just an awesome way to watch these three POV's and if you have all of them, and "Fight Fire with Fire" by Metallica, I strongly recommended splicing them together.

However, the main reason I posted this was to find out if anyone had a program to edit the videos and add the audio to them. I really want to so I could put it up on the internet, but I don't have any editing programs.

I'm going to post this over at Coasterbuzz to see If I get any replies from people over there.

MF count: 20

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 9/3/2001. ***" target=_blank>here and search through the files to see if they have a good program.

*** This post was edited by InclInE LoOpEr on 9/4/2001. *** wouldn't let me delete that last post again for some odd reason.  So here is a URL were you might be able find a program at.  Downloads

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