Magnum trains=too small?

Maybe its me, but I really noticed that it was a bit tough getting out of the last two rows of any Magnum car. Plus some lapbars fall down on their own and for most people, it causes them to slow the loading process. Now I am 5'11 180 lbs and I have to sidestep to get in and out. Magnum is still great and maybe or maybe not, new trains wouldn't hurt..

Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
I agree, I also think that.

00' MF Laps:36
01' MF Laps:17
It seems that the lap bars on the black train fall down the most. It doesn't seem small enough to get new trains though.

Former name was B-Town
Try the very small seats on Blue Streak.

Live for FUN!

Don't let life fly by.
Try Jr. Geminis. ;)

-Matthew Couts
And your POINT is...
Yes, last Friday for the first time I noticed that it took me a while to get out of the seats in Magnum, and when I pushed my lapbar up, it fell back down on me again. This does slow the process down, and I agree they should fix the trains they have, or get new ones.

"Stop worrying about your stupid back, and ride Mean Streak! You bunch of babies!"
I also noticed that the last row on Magnum was very tight. Did they make the front seat of the back car larger to accomodate larger riders or something? I never remember it being that difficult to climb in and out of the the Magnum's cars before?
I think that just this offseason, the trains were re-fabricated (is that the right term?), and given new wheels and such. They were basicly "spiffed up." :) I think that rules out the idea of new trains.

Joe - Drill Man, Elite Eight
Screw laps: 13 and counting...
Intamin2k said:

"I think that just this offseason, the trains were re-fabricated (is that the right term?), and given new wheels and such. They were basicly "spiffed up. :)I think that rules out the idea of new trains."

Actually, all the cars on every rollercoaster are torn apart and put back together every year. It's just something that CP does to ensure the comfort and safety of all their rides.

MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1
They seem smaller cause of Magnum Dans head getting large.

Next trip to CP on July 25th - 28th!

That was low putergeek.


I beleive more than usual was done this offseason though. They were, well, "re-fabricated." Lots of new parts were put on, and some other stuff was done... more than is done annually.

It's quite possible I may be wrong though. Although strange, it has happened before... ;)

Joe - Drill Man, Elite Eight
Screw laps: 13 and counting...

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