Magnum track

I was wondering what the bars sticking off of magnums first drop on the right hand side were for? I assumer they are for some kind mantainence or something. Also wondering why doesnt' any other Arrow have it
*** This post was edited by cedarpointfreak 8/21/2003 7:56:15 PM ***
It was mentioned before (here) that those were believed to be used for a set of stairs, but was never incorporated into the ride. And I believe you're right about any other Arrow coaster having these. Unless it has something to do with being the first of-its-kind lift hill reaching over 200 feet.
interesting wonder why they would need stairs on the drop side, o well thanks
maybe for walking the steep track? i dont know, i saw them walking the track over at mean streak and they have stairs all over there, but magnum would be hard on the first steep drop.

Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription... is more cowbell!

i thought they only did full track walks on wooden coasters
MF has a ladder that goes down half of it's drop, which can be seen here. Even though they don't walk the track every day like the woodies, it's still a hell of a lot more convenient for when you have to get up there than getting a crane or climbing the track.

CP 2K3: 15
"No for real, the poopsmith is a good guy. He's just got a crappy job..." -homestar runner

Well, that brings up something else, and MagnumDan could answer it for me:

Was not the return run by the lift hill on the other side at one point? I swear that the metal sheeting on that side was for a tunnel, and I thought that they did change it, but I could be wrong.

Anyone know something about this?

Race for the Sky. :::::::::::::9

i heard somewhere that it was attachment points for an angled intamin gyro drop that was never built. I highly doubt this, but just thought it was interesting
Jeff's avatar
The only portion of track that is not original is the pretzel and a couple dozen feet of track leading in and out of it.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

Didn't they also replace a section or two when they reprofiled the third hill back in '89 or '90?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

RideMan is correct. Prior to the reprofiling, the drop between the third hill and the pretzel was about 6 feet lower. The crossbeams which supported this lower drop are still visible from the path to Sandcastle. So about 100 feet of track leading into the pretzel is not original.
Jeff's avatar
Thus, the "couple dozen feet of track" I was referring to...

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

They had to raise that section up because it was sinking, didn't you hear? ;)

Can't wait to be at the Point!
2003 coaster count:54

Hey Jeff do you know why they didn't put stairs on the drop, or why they would in the first place

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