Magnum on AAA Day

Now, when we were on Gemini at about 1:30, Magnum was running ghost trains. We didn't know why, and all the rider ops would say was technical problems. Does anyone know exactly why it was running ghost trains? Could it have been the seemingly excessive roughness experienced?
What exactly are "ghost trains"????
Ghost trains I believe are just empty trains running the track. I don't know the answer to the Magnum but I think its hard to believe it was rough. Last season it wasn't that rough it was smooth.At least to me it was!!!
"Jesus will never let you go"
Bean Bag
A ghost train is a roller coaster train without riders. It is common to have a ghost train run once an hour, but not many in a row. I usually observe more ghost trains on Corkscrew and inverted (upside down) coasters.
Yeah, it was running ghost trains for a while, and when I finally got on it seemed just a bit more rough than I remembered.
Actually if you're talking to an operator a ghost train is when the coaster sets up but the conditions for a set up are not met, so we figure a "ghost train" must have just passed through and screwed up our intervals. ;o)

We call trains with no riders in them "empty trains."

Imagine that.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

Jeff's avatar
Yeah, the ride setup a lot that day, most of the time due to stupid riders. Also, it's worth mentioning I got a ride over a bad road wheel (red train, I think) in the ejector seat with no trims. Ouch!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
Yes, Magnum was rough this past weekend, no surprise it always seems rough at the start of the season. Then again riding anything afte riding the Force would seem rough.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:003
Okay, so I'm not COMPLETETLY nuts thinking Magnum felt a little rough. Some of those other things I do still have me a little worried.:)
We thought Magnum was rough, too. Just thought maybe it just felt that way after riding MF
I sat in seat 3-6.1 and had an unusually rough ride--so much so that I felt obligated to tell a ride-op since they do occasionally change wheels mid-day if enough people complain. I don't think it was a road wheel since the only time it was rough was when we were turning--which led me to believe it was a guide wheel or two causing the problem. It's crazy to hear that everyone else had the same problem in many different seats all in one day--makes you think that they really didn't gear up for the preview days like they hopefully will for opening weekend.

And they did run some 'ghost trains' around that time because they did shut down for mechanical reasons around that time. I was in line and the ride ended up being down for only about 10 minutes or so.
I was told that while they were testing the trains the night before they were having problems with one of the back cars riding really rough.

Remeber that an empty train is simply called an empty train. A ghost train is when the computer thinks that there is a train in a block when in reality it isn't there. I know that Raptor has this problem a lot. Something as simple as a bug could be infront of a sensor for too long and then the computer would think that there is a train in that block when there really isnt.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:003
Jeff, that must have been my seat too. It was the ejector seat...and I have one word...OUCH!!!!

I could even see the pain in my on-ride photo!
Thanks for clarifying the whole 'ghost train' issue. I knew I heard that term before--in relation to Raptor's problems...--but had since forgotten the real meaning. Thanks!

Neil, who will forever call them 'empty trains....'
Thanks, Dan, for repeating what I already said. :) :)

I really appreciate that you all respect my knowledge (limited as it may be).

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

Sorry Natalie, I guess the credit goes to you also--I just needed to have it explained to me twice before I remembered...

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