
This may be a question for Dan, but what did people think of Magnum (I was only 2 yaers old) when it opened, and how long did it take for lines to die down?
Most days still, they haven't! :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
CyrstalKat your right on the mark. They only time you can tell a difference is on a slow day. Crowded days the line is just as long as in 89. I remember standing in line forerver in 89. If I remember right, the queue line is the same. Does anyone remember if they had to add a temp queue like on MF? I'm pretty sure the line has stayed the same. They do move the entrance on heavy crowd days to the other side of the restrooms.

Get with it or die in the process.....
When it opened the line looked like Millennium Force's line.

The line has died down, but it is still a very popular coaster.

2001 park line up:

Cedar Point: June 1-3,11, July 4-5

Soak City: July 3

(other parks N/A a
I am trying to IM you Magnum...but you do not show up on my buddy list on AOL :(

Dan did not ride Magnum when It first opened! What did he say his first time was riding it, like 94?

I However Did Ride it in 89. All I remember I was scared to death because that thing was HUGE and I was only 8 at the time :). I stapled myself holding on all the time saying "why am I doing this." . Quite Frankly I don't remember how smooth, fast or rough it was. I remember it being the greatest thing on earth and Reporters were all over the exit asking everyone what they thought. They all agreed with me, it was the greatest thing on earth.

The wait was only through the first part go the queues and did not go back behind the bathrooms. I've seen days that it still goes back there. So no, the line's have not died down too much.

2001 Force Count-31

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 5/29/2001. ***
I didn't get my first ride until August of '93. I didn;t start counting til I got a season pass in may of '97.

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 187
'01 force: 16
The configuration of the Queue changed a few times a few years ago if that's what you guys meant about how the queue changed. I've never noticed any dramatic change in the length of lines since the early 90s (when I started riding coasters).

-John Gilman; Organizer of the DT 80
"Thanks for flying Dispatch Master Transport"
Jeff's avatar
I was there the first week it opened. We were blown away. It didn't seem possible that something could be so big.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
As for the queues, the section behind restrooms were added middle of 1st year. I have alot of Magnum memories. I've been with since day 1. On busy days(usually saturdays), the line went through all queues(including ones behind restrooms), down behind Hat stall by Corkscrew. Between there and Corkscrew exit, temp queues were setup.

As far as popularity,I think it was more than MF. Now,people expect BIG coasters at CP. Back then, they weren't used to seeing anything so big.

I rode it in 91 when I was like 5 and I remember they had a problem letting me on. That's all I remember. I remember everyone else being so SCARED to get on and I was brave enough. But of course I was scared! It looked like it was a mile high. I started counting in 96. My little OLD AS HECK black notebook. HEHEHE
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I waited in the OD line 89 and 4 hrs later got my 1st ride..I was speechless at the time..until 2000 and guess what I was speechless again!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I think Magnum's line moved better the 1st year due to no seat belts to mess with. Even with the line stretching to Corkscrew,it was no more than 2 hrs. That was IF there were no breakdowns. Which usually happened and made it take longer.

This one time,in Magnum line...the ride-op at entrance of temp queues by Corkscrew asked me to keep track of how long I wait and then tell her when I get to platform. I got up there in hour-and-a-half. I got ready to get on,saw her, and told her. Right away she accused me of line-jumping! LOL.

Well, I would beg to differ, "Candy" Man. If I can recall my longest wait was 2.5hours for the Magnum in its first year. I think the reason the line was so long was the ride ops would ask the oncoming riders if they were paired or not. If not, they would search for a single rider to ride with. I think also in its first year they didnt want many empty seats. That would probably contribute to a long wait. *** This post was edited by FireDragon on 5/30/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
I don't think the seat belts really impact the capacity of the ride (anyone with a ride manual, you know who you are, wanna confirm that?). You can still only dispatch trains ever so often, namely when the train ahead crests that second hill, so I bet it hasn't changed.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher! I ever remember Magnum circa 89. I have boatloads of memories, you just name the year. I'll never forget the first time I saw it against the grey sky of the day. SO much more imposing and incredible than Force ever seemed to me, just because we weren't jaded back then. I honestly can't remember if I rode it or says I did, but if I did, I don't recall it. I do remember being absolutely blown away, thinking --no one-- could ever ride it and survive...or survive the line that stretched back to the front entrance of JL. I'll die if I ever lose my original "Even when you see it...." ad from 89.

Earliest HotShot I have is from 91, back when Kinzel had a little letter in the inside congratulating us for conquering the world's T.F.S. coaster ;) That's a picture no one but me will EVER see. Sigh, the early days of being a Magnumaniac, before we had other rides complicating things...
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
I rode it in 1990, when I was only 8 years old. I remember riding it with my aunt and we waited about 2 hours each time. The line used the extra queues and then some. I don't remember too many of the particulars, but it was the single scariest experience of my life, and I was hooked immediately. Magnum is still my favorite ride!

Here's to wood in 2002!
Pete's avatar
I was there on opening day in 1989. Got in trouble with my then fiancee, but future ex-wife, 'cause I got home late for her birthday celebration. Arggg, I should have known. Anyway, the frenzy and hype surrounding Magnum was as big or bigger than MF. Went back on a weekday right after opening day and got about 15 rides in a row. It was a great time, and one of the most memorable seasons at CP.

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