Mad / Wild Mouse Coasters.

Personally, I don't think CP should put in a mad/wild mouse coaster. I think they aren't that fun they are just a waste of time. I rode on at Michigan Adventure and it was fun I just wouldn't like to see one at CP, They remind me of a Kiddie Coaster. Any Thoughts.

Formally known as basketball_guy_17
I generally love these coasters. I haven't ridden the one at Michigan's Adventure, but from what I've heard, the Arrow made "mice" are pretty slow and overbraked.

Anyway, I don't think we have any worry about Cedar Point getting a new one of these soon. After all, they are just getting ready to open Millennium Force.
Jeff's avatar
This has appeared in several threads lately, but we all need to keep in mind that not every ride is intended for every rider.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Who knows, after a few years, CP may put in one of these Mad Mousers, it would be a nice add to build up peoples nerves to ride the big monsters

I don't care, I just want a CGI Woody, Floorless or a dive machine...woo hoo first to say it in this topic!

"And now for something completely different" MPFC
GCI, and I was first to put the letters in the correct order ;)
I was just going to say something about a CGI woody being something that Intraxx builds...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
? for example, would be a CGI woodie, where CGI stands for "Computer Generated Images".

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Doh, tried to leave a smart remark and it back fired. Oh well this one is in need of a close, we already have 2 posts what coasters CP needs and doesn't need. ugh.

"And now for something completely different" MPFC

how about one of those Exterminator rides like they have at Kennywood! I think that is one of the best indoor coasters I've ever been on!

Tear down the Mean Streak and put up a roller coaster
ah, thanks RM

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