M-Force in the News

Today around 5:25 on channel 2 in detroit their was a story about M-Force and showed video of the first drop and the last piece being put on it was so cool did anyone else see this?
Welcome back Raptor Riders how was your Flight? I hope you enjoyed your ride on Raptor and the res
I missed it, but knowing Fox 2 they will repeat the segment a few more times.
Also showed on tv-6 here in the Lansing, Mi. area. Didn't see the entire segment, just the POV of the drop through the first overbank.

Jeff Tobe
Nope I missed it also. I wish i would've know so I could've made an effort to see it. Nothing is better than the segment channel 4 played in 1994 with the readings of Chuck Gaidica's heart rate on various Cedar Point rides.
I recorded the whole segment and encoded it on my computer. It's an MPEG file and 15MB in size. The only problem I have it getting it onto a reliable server so that I can make it available for everyone to download. I'd appreciate it if I could get someone to host the file on a server if they wouldn't mind it taking up the space (Jeff would you be interested?). It shows the last track piece being put in place and the POV of the first hill and the turn with the reporters doing the commentary. I can encode it to a high quality Real Media file if that would work better but I still need a place to host it.
Keep it Coastin'
Jason Bryans
Owner of The Cedar Point Coaster Web Page
Channel 11 in Toledo showed a segment the other day as well...

Using my unbelievable powers of deductive reasoning, I'm guessing CP marketing had a hand in some sort of press release to all the local stations in the area.

Anyone in Cleveland catch any news? Pittsburgh?
Jeff's avatar
Yeah... 3 did a little something yesterday morning, and I'm sure the others did as well.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
There was something on KDKA her in Pittsburgh this evening. The announcement about the removal of the Steel Phantom, they cited increased competition and being land-locked as the need to remove the ride. In the midst of the report, they also cited Cedar Point's Millennium Force, and showed the POV. Patrice King-Brown also noted how much hype has been given to MF.

This was the first I saw anything CP related here in Pittsburgh since the announcement of MF.

By popular vote, the Official
start of the Millennium
is now May 13, 1999

Hey Dude! I can host the file! Please Email me at davidgens@hotmail.com. I will tell you what to do. That would be great!

What!?! They are removing Steel Phantom?
Yes, Kennywood has announced that this is the last year for SP. Details on the replacement won't be announced until Jan 2001 (although I'm sure we'll know more before then ;) )

THAT discussion belongs on CoasterBuzz, though.

As for MF, I haven't seen anything yet, but I just returned from a week at Whistler, so I could easily have missed something. I'm sure we'll be seeing MF commercials here in the 'Burgh...
Today over here in NE Indiana, they talked about MF on the local news.
haven't seen diddly here in Chicago...of course, watch the news or watch the Simpsons...hmmmmm...
but then again, we DO have a Fox affiliate and there seems to be a lot of slow news days lately...oh wait, Walter Jacobson couldn't POSSIBLY do a "Perspective" on it, so it's not newsworthy. good. less people coming from Chicago...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Hey Guys, download the channel 6 one here:


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