Luminosity Technical Information

Luminosity Technical Information
Hello Point Buzz,
My name is Luke, and I joined this community after doing a lot of research on Luminosity. I believe Luminosity is a great addition to Cedar Point. Since I’m a technical person, I’m trying to figure out what’s what at this production, meaning the lighting, sound, and rigging. Currently, my project in my free time has been putting everything together, but can only get so far. Since I have no plans on being at the park for the rest of the year (I live really far away), it’s difficult for me to find out who makes what since I have just pictures to rely on. If only the technical plans for this were available. Anyways, if you guys know anything, please post and I will update the list. Thanks in advance!


On Small Midway Trusses
Chauvet COLORado 1-Tri IP
Source 4 (10, 19, 36, 50 degree lenses)
ILUMILINE 21 IP (truss warmers)

On Large Midway Trusses
Chauvet Legend 412 (main light used)
I’m pretty sure these are 412’s, but they may be something else. Also, does anyone know where they got the “rain hats” for them?
Chauvet Legend 550 Spot
These are the gigantic moving lights. They are bagged nightly for protection.
Smaller Moving heads. Possibly American DJ Vizi Beam 5R
Does anyone know what protection these have since they are upright?
Truss Warmers. These may be ILUMILINES, but I don’t know.
Strobe Strings in truss – American DJ Flash Rope
Source 4 (10 and 5 degree angles)

On Luminosity Stage
Main LED Spot lights – Chauvet COLORado 1-Tri IP
Mini Spot Lights – COLORdash Accents
These are the mini-spotlights placed evenly along the stage backdrop (and I believed to light the percussion performers).
Matrix 5 x 5 Stage Blinders – no clue who makes these. Possibly Showtec?
1 x 10 Blinders – possibly Showtec as well
Chauvet Legend 412 (main light used)
Chauvet Legend 550 Spot
Smaller Moving heads. Possibly American DJ Vizi Beam 5R’s
Moving heads on stage floor – American DJ Vizi Beam 5R (I’m fairly certain of this)
Lights under steps. I have no clue, but they are located under the steps on the stage.
Strobe lights – Martin Atomic 3000 Strobe Lights
Lasers – American DJ brand

On Midway Buildings:
Does anyone know the lights they're using? I'm pretty sure that the wash lights are part of the COLORado family, but don't know which model. Also, do you know the company that makes the standard LED Christmas-style lights they're using?

On Stage: MVP 12 + 18(?) Video Panels

Off Stage: Projectors + Projection Screens. No clue who makes them.


Speakers: Possibly Community
Sound Board: Yamaha M7CL

Special Effects
Haze: 4x (I think) Arena Hazer 3s. Does anyone know how they waterproofed these?
Flames: Firewater
Fireworks: Pyrodigital firing system, with Interlaced Productions taking care of the pyro. Bought from MP Associates.

Truss: the large truss is James Thomas Engineering. I’d assume they also make the smaller truss to.
Motors: No clue, probably CM Lodestar though.

Any other technical information about this production is welcome. I will update the list as we discover new information. Thank you!

Last edited by Luke Dobson,

I doubt the majority of us would know. Maybe you should email Cedar Point. They could answer all of your questions :)

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99er's avatar

Sounds like you have most of the equipment used listed above. I can help out with a little more.

Most all of the fixtures are not waterproof one bit. The more expensive movers get bagged every night but as you can see in this picture, the fixtures are not waterproof. The degree of barrels on the Source 4s are not going to all be the same but I would imagine they used 10, 19, 36 and 50 degree barrels. The strobe fixtures on the stage are Martin Atomic strobes (one of my fav fixtures). The lighting board used is an ETC ION and the show is run off of Watchout by Dataton

The sound board used is a Yamaha M7CL. As for the speakers, I think they are Community but I can't remember. The SD is a good friend of mine so I will ask him what he ended up using.

Thy pyro is shot from a Pyrodigital firing system and I believe most of the product used is from MP Associates. It is all going to be close proximity 1.4G product that is fired from the top truss rail as well as 3 firing sites behind the stage. The flame effects are Firewater and Interlaced Productions take care of all the pyro right now because they are still under contract from last seasons show.

If you want more technical information, consider contacting Andrew from Blue Haze Entertainment. They were responsible for the install of everything.

Anything else just ask or send me a PM.

Last edited by 99er,

What company makes the yellow colored lasers that they use in the show?

99er's avatar

Going with what Blue Haze likes to use most, I am guessing they are American DJ. Something like the Galaxian Sky or Royal Sky.

Interesting on American DJ, if that is what they are using....I have found most of AmericanDJ lighting only good for small scale areas.

The front of house Source Fours on the midway are mostly 5 degree instruments. There may be a couple 10 degree instruments scattered in as well; I can't remember off the top of my head.

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99er's avatar

^^Depending on what you are using from ADJ, some fixtures can and do work well in large areas. The lasers in the Aldrich show are from ADJ as well and they look good in there. Sometimes what you need can be achieved from a $400 fixture instead of a $4,000 fixture.

Thank you to everyone for their information. It has been really helpful! I made an update to the list above. Thanks again.


Topics like this one are the reason I love the Internet. I never knew I wanted to know these details before. Now I can't wait for an update on the rest of the equipment!

I'd love to know just how many DMX universes & channels are running out there for all of those lights.

I remember during my trip (while they were still setting the show up)being surprised at the lack of weather-proofing on some of the fixtures. I figured they would have put some of the moving heads in those bubbles. What's the plan for saving all the fixtures if a storm comes out of nowhere and starts dumping rain on the stage?

ThrillRider's avatar

When I saw the show after the first big storm a few weeks ago, many of the LED fixtures were putting on a show of their own. When I saw it last week, seemed like they only fixed a couple of the fixtures. There are 4 or 5 LED washes on the background that are still having issues. I would hate to see what happened after last nights storms and winds. Hope they get fixed, it would be a shame to have issues with the show this early in the season.

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I was at the park back in June for the first time in 6 years (I'm returning next week), and I was paying quite a bit of attention to all of the Luminosity gear they had set up. CP definitely used primarily Chauvet gear with this setup, so much so that Chauvet actually featured the show on their website:

I'm wondering who makes the gobo rotators that are used on the main midway, I'd make a wild guess that they're Apollo but I could be wrong. I'm pretty sure that the speakers were Community (all of the other speakers I've seen in the park on previous occasions have been) and the truss motors were definitely CM Lodestars. CP used an Ion for the Starlight Experience over on Frontier Trail, I'm wondering if they just borrowed that one for this. I was surprised that they chose to use self-raising truss on the stage for something intended to stand for 5 months.

As for the ADJ stuff, it's definitely a reasonable choice for small moving units. They're not the most dependable brand in the world, but they're cheap.

As for the LEDs, I wouldn't be surprised if water damage was behind that. LEDs can be very temperamental in outdoor situations.

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