I've always wondered if the trains are weighted each time they are loaded with passenger.and a computer system computes how much electric the LSM need to reach the correct speed for the lauches?
If they keep the LSM's at a constant, then less passengers weight in the train would equate to more speed, and more weight in the passenger train, would equate to less speed during the launch.
So, do they regulate this with the LSM's or just use the trim brakes to keep the speeds under control during the launch?
Because of how the LSMs work the location of the train needs to be known at all times on the launch. Knowing the location at all times while launching allows you to know the speed it's moving. The power to and sequencing of the LSMs can be adjusted accordingly and automatically.
[Edit: LIMs are a little bit simpler and can, really, just fire constantly and your train will go, though it won't be as controlled.]
*** Edited 9/10/2006 6:41:04 PM UTC by Michael Darling***
I've always been under the impression that, compared to the weight of the trains themselves, passengers were fairly insignificant. ;)
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