Have you ever looked down and found money? Well the last couple of visits to CP. I have found a lot of change on the grounf. Wondering how much you found in one day. The most I found was two dollars in change. I found change all over the place in the arcade, midway and in line for the roller coasters.
Last year after I rode MF I found 20 bucks right before the photo booth.
2007 trips=39..08 trips=47..09 trips=79
maverick rides=143
dragster rollbacks=27
My roomate finds and collects change from every visit. Last year he had 37 visits and $70 worth of change at the end of the year. He only paid half price for his pass after alot of work rolling change.
2008 visits = 38, 2009 = 19, 2010 = 11, 2011 = 14, 2012 = 10, 2013 = 14, 2014 = 14, 2015= 13, 2016 = 11, 2017 = 5, 2018 = 3
On opening day this year I found a newly minted MF pressed penny on the ground. Currently in my wallet as a good luck charm.
On Maverick ride night i found a 50 dollar bill laying on the ground near the entrance for Meanstreak. I was even a nice guy and turned it in to lost and found for the day. We stayed in the park till almost 11:30pm. On our way out i stopped in the lost and found and received my found 50 dollars.
MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
Higher +
Steeper +
Faster =
The Better!
^ I was wondering what happened to that fifty dollar bill. You should send it back to me:)
2008 visits = 38, 2009 = 19, 2010 = 11, 2011 = 14, 2012 = 10, 2013 = 14, 2014 = 14, 2015= 13, 2016 = 11, 2017 = 5, 2018 = 3
When I worked at the Point my friends who were Sweeperettes (thats what they called them then - all female crew) cleaned up in the found money department - they always had their eye to the ground and would not only find money, but lots of other things too. One gal practically furnished her college apartment using Fascination tickets she accumulated over the season!
I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74
I know the most I have ever found was not at CP, but in a bowling alley parking lot! My friends and I found $2,500 in a envolope. We turned it into police and it was returned to the owner! I know I did the right thing, but the lady who lost it was very rude! She didn't even thank us! The police did! My friend said we should have kept it!
Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs
This is all funny. My family and I have been doing this for the past 3 years at CP. There is about 12 of us and we goto the park roughly about every weekend. This year we are all having a contest to see who can get the most. The most we have found in 1 day is $33. I won't tell you the best place to find it but trust me people drop money everywhere in that park.
I average finding 18 cents everytime I go to cedar point. I don't know why, but I loving picking up penny's. The most I have found was 38 cents, but someone left a lot of pennies on a garbage can outside of TTD.
So 18 cents time 15 visits, I just got $2.70 off my platnum pass! :)
GATEKEEPER-I came, I rode, I was mildly disappointed; until a second ride (rear left) put GateKeeper back on the...it's a nice ride list.
When I worked on Raptor, I found a 5 dollar bill sitting in a Raptor seat. I put it in our "cup" of lost $ that CP donates at the end of the season.
Lifetime Raptor flights: 2035 :)
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?
This all sounds quite lucrative. Perhaps management should take note and use it as a new source of income. Send out a crew of "cash sweepers". Give change at concessions in the form of dollar coins so more of it falls out onto the midway!
As I recall Cedar Point donates the loose change to a Sandusky foodbank/hunger center at the end of each year. I think it's usually about 7 thousand dollars. I think the donation has been discussed on this site.
As far as finding money, I've found $20 twice and $10 once. I'm always looking for change and usually find between $1 and $2 on a day at CP. The last couple of trips have been slim pickins though. I also scan for tickets in the arcade. I only keep money and tickets that are "unatteneded". If I saw the person drop the money or forget the tickets I return it/them to him or her.
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