Looking For a Download

I know that this really has nothing to Cedar Point but was wondering if any of you fellow Coaster Fans could lend me a hand.

I recently had to replace my hard drive in my computer and I lost all of my game files including Roller Coaster Tycoon.  Does anyone on here know where you can find the download for the Mega Park that is completely flat and gives you 10 million, and all the rides.  I would love to have this back on my system and would love it if someone could help me out. 

If you can post it on here or feel free to email me at CoasterJamin@aol.com


It might be better if you were to post this over at Coasterbuzz. There is a specific forum for RCT there.
---Are YOU unbreakable??---
CP 2002
I don't know the direct link, but...

...If you go over to Coasterbuzz, and search for "Drexler patch" under the "site" search.

This should pop up a link for the patch, and different mega parks with varying amounts of money and rides.

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 10/4/2001. ***

Here I'll save you some time. Instead of jumping through the hoops suggested here, just go to http://www.crazyuscoasters.com/ .

You'll  find a variety of flat lands to play with. Don't forget to get the Drexler patch from: http://www.strategyplanet.com/rctuk/rctpatch/



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Bay City, Michigan
A Division of LCA Entertainment

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