*** Do not delete or close this just because I have TTR in the title! ***
Over at Coasterbuzz it was posted that SFWoA has begun using a $10 ticket system for some of their major attractions. (*** I did not say this to begin talking about SFWoA ***) In the post there was a link to a news article in the Plain Dealer that talked about SFWoA's decision.
In this article, Janice Witherow is quoted a few times, and in the last half it explains why they decided to ditch TTR. You may want to check it out:
http://www.cleveland.com/geauga/plaindealer/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/geauga/99380703812010183.xml Thankfully, Witherow mentions that although CP is looking at several ideas to shorten waits, they "will not choose one until we feel confident that the system provides a high level of guest service and satisfaction".