Look Ma, No Hands!

Ok, we've all pretty much established that we will conquer the Force. Now, on which lap will you go through the rite of passage, namely, riding with your hands in the air (the way coasters were meant to be ridden)?

--310 feet--
--Be Honest--

"May the Schwartz be with you..."
I honestly dont care HOW freaked out I am, I am definatly putting my hands up on the first ride. And im BUYING THE ON-RIDE PHOTO TOO! Speaking of the on-ride photo, does anyone have any clue were it might be?? Mostlikely not, but i think it would be perfect at about the 280foot mark. You'd really get the terror in peoples eyes.
"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!"
Jeff's avatar
Judging by the bracket on the side of the track just before it climbs into the final turn, I'm going to guess it'll be there. But heck, it could be for something completely different.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Hands-up first time through...
im going to ride with my hands thats crazy not to well it is to me

let me off here!

visit my site www.angelfire.com/punk/rollercoaster1.com

Oh Jeff, you are indeed a sly one. ;)
-Dave Kochman
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm putting my hands up the whole time! I'm going to try to coax the people behind me to do the same, as I do on Magnum.
CP_genius I do the same thing but I am not doing it this time

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
If anyone dares to ride it with there hands clamped to the bar, man they won't be able to pry them off. Hands have to be up or you won't enjoy the hill or ride for that matter. That is just my experience. I have rode magnum with hands strapped and up and when my hands are strapped, it kills my stomach more and is just no where near as good. It feels like I am trying to stop the g forces. So why argue with the laws of physics. So hands up; I would imagine that after the descent all our hands will be stretched out about another inch or so with hands up.
Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!

first time, opening day, we are running to the ride as soon as the park opens.....getting on anywhere we can....but hopefuly the back...u get the most air time there...even over the first hill.....like on magnum......hands up the whole ride.... there isnt any better way to ride a coaster

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
It's gonna depends on whether I can goad my girlfriend into riding or not. If I can, I'll be hands free, as I'll definitely have to hold hers...
If not, there's a good chance.
I'm that jerk yelling at the top of there lungs "PUT UP YOU DA*N HANDS"
really though for all you out there ride with your hands up, it really doesn't matter your not going to get hurt I remmeber I got one guy to put his hands up on the gemini then he said " Wow this makes the ride so much better, im gonna go try it on Magnum." It really is a much better ride with ur hands up!

How many people here puy there hands up on raptor? I use to not becuse its a smoother ride holding on, now I figured that if you press foward you dont move around as much.
*** This post was edited by ReLiC2 on 2/28/00. ***
ReLiC2, i put me LEGS up on Raptor...all i do is stick my legs straight out in front of me for the whole ride. it really makes it a whole different ride, especially in the front. actually, the front is really the only place i would do it...but it really is cool. try it and let me know.

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
I believe that its smooth enough as is.. I can handle any type of roughness, until it gets to the point of the wolverine wildcat at michigans adventure. As for the hands thing I said in a diffrent thread earlier, I do know that it will be completely safe, it just may give an awesome headchopping affect. I can already forsee many rumors about test riders arms getting ripped off like on the tunnels for magnum though.. crazy stuff.

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!"
Corey *** This post was edited by rOLLocoASt on 2/28/00. ***
I like that sig. Me and a friend used to sing that song all the time a few years ago. "I wear my sunglasses at night" - Corey Hart
I'll be wearing them on MF for sure! Probably more so an night so I don't get blinded by bugs!
Has anybody ever put their hands in the air and lifted their legs off of the floor on Magnum, its pretty cool. I may try it on Millennium Force but probably not the first time.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
I like to try to swing my legs on Raptor if I don't keep them straight out. That's always fun. Hands up on Millennium Force too, OPENING DAY YA BABY! (I'm wicked excited because I'm so far from it yet I am still gonna go opening day)

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000
1badgmc - I got that signature from my favorite movie, "The Blues Brothers", except i changed the distance of 106miles(which ironically, chicago city limits are from my house)to the exact distance to CP, and the destination from chicago to CP. I always say it as I am pulling out of my driveway when I leave for my 5hour drive. Corey Hart has an awesome name i must say! heh

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!"
Even better than the song! I love that movie. hehe
I'm puttin' my hands up!!!!

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