Long rumored hypercoaster

liebevision said:
I think it would be really cool if the hypercoaster were to go out over the lake.... then we'd probably get the "the hypercoaster is sinking into geauga lake" rumors though.... but could you imagine having the coaster come down within feet of the lake?! that would be so awesome! Espically if it is like a really low overbank turn! Oh I'm getting some ideas here.... I'm going to have to get out my sketchbook tonight!

When you sketch this hyper, look at S:RoS at SFDL for ideas. You just described the first drop and banked turn exactly.


edit: added link for pics, dunno how to rename link.

But then again, what do I know?
*** This post was edited by Shane Denmark 3/18/2004 11:26:43 AM ***

Chief Wahoo said:
As far as the hypercoaster into the lake, I don't know if this is urban legend or fact but, I have heard that the actual lake is extremely deep which would make a nightmare for building footers. There would also be environmental concerns of course.

I would imagine if they were going to utilize the lake, the wouldn't go out into it but a couple feet. Or perhaps even use the lake to supply water unter a section of the coaster that wouldn't normally be there... a man-made lake of sorts.

Geauga Lake is a natural spring-fed lake and is not man made. It is indeed very deep, in excess of 90 feet at some points.

Idora Wildcat

That's deeper than Lake Erie!
lake erie is deeper than 90 feet
*** This post was edited by Bill Horvath 3/21/2004 2:47:39 AM ***
Jeff's avatar
Nonsense. Geauga Lake is not 90 feet deep anywhere. Lake Erie is around 200 at its deepest point but averages only 65. Look at a topo map... they don't even draw lines inside the lake because it isn't deep enough to bother.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - My Blog
Blogs, photo albums - CampusFish
What time does the water show start?

Its not so much the depth but the land underneath the water is very soft and it takes quite awhile to hit rock. Most of BKFs footers go to a depth of about 150'. Making construction very expensive. Also its protected wetlands and there is a very high fine for building on them. SF got hammered for BKF. Dont expect to much more construction onthe lake.

GL rides sup 2004

150 ft deep footers? I am having a hard time believing that. I am guessing Geauga Lake gets around 60 ft. deep at it's deepest point (if someone has an actual number that would be better). Why dig almost 100 feet deeper than the lake itself? Not to mention BKF is around the shore line where the water probably doesn't get much deeper than 15 feet.

AKA Cobraroller on Cbuzz

The steel that the footers sit on are around that deep, the actual concrete is above water. Working on that midway the last 2 seasons Ive had a lot of conversations with maintence.

GL rides sup 2004

I was just gonna say...most of the footers for Serial Thriller and Batman: Knight Flight are not even below the water level. And there would have been little or no actual digging involved, as the footers are sitting on pilings which are *driven* into the ground. It's fairly common practice when you are building over many feet of mud. They did that with the Geauga Lake coasters because of the swamp. Because the swamp is protected, they couldn't just dig it up and plant a spread footer, as is often used at Cedar Point...you may recall that the bedrock under that place is about 60' deep, and so Millennium Force sits with its footers only about 7' deep into the sand. The trade-off, of course, is that those shallow footers are huge.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Ok then. Now that it has all been explained it makes more sense.

AKA Cobraroller on Cbuzz

I think one of the issues that GLP/SFO/WOA has seen in the past decade or so is that they have to compete with other good area jobs. Clearly the best move is to make the wages comteitive, ESPECIALLY for the managment. That is something that really went down the crapper over the last three years at WOA. When there are many different opportunities in the Cleveland/Akron areas why would you work for minimum or even $9 an hour for a supervisor job?

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