Long Live Oceana

What happened to the rumors (mostly started by Screamscape) that Oceana was to be razed this year? The rendering shows Oceana in it.
Now there's 1/2 Oceana.  Oceana is/was the complex of the Aquatic Stadium and the Aquarium.  The Aquarium has been razed, but the Aquatic Stadium remains.



Given the things that consist of the Oceana, it may be appropriate to rename.  You've to two coasters, a massive array of rip you off games, the Space Spiral, and the giant wheel.  Perhaps an astro theme could be incorporated or something scientific.  I dunno. I'm not sure what I'm even talking about.
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"
and there is Ocean Motion, Schabinchen, Mr. Potato, The bathhouse (convention center), Aquatic Stadium, entrance to the beach and an area in the front of the park that still has a decent amount of shade. Oh, and an area that in the past offered a relatively quiet and peaceful place to relax (I wonder how the atmosphere will change).

I never considered the "massive array of rip you off games" to be part of the Oceana Midway anyway.

Better yet, it should be the "What the. . . Midway" or "Et. Al. Midway"
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"
Jeff's avatar
I'm the one who said Oceana was going away. At one time, circa 1999, that was the plan, as shared with me by People Who Know(TM). Has that changed? Maybe, maybe not. The dive show has been popular, but at the same time there seems to be a faction of maintenance people there who want to see the place leveled because it's a mess to take care of.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

That would explain why the dive show is sponsored by Huggies, to stop all the leaks.

2001 Force-333   Magnum-510
Lots of Corn above

Enter Joe as a late nominee for "post of the year"!

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

I hope Oceana does stay for good. CP needs to focus on those things for the disabled and elderly guests. I am also happy to see the old Coral Dinning room building will still be standing dispite popular belief that it too was on the list of razed buildings for 2002. Maybe with Breakers historic status being revoked, CP will be a little more considerate of the park not only being a business, but a major historic Ohio icon as well. I am starting to see a small flickering light at the end of the tunnel with this issue.

Joe E. said:
That would explain why the dive show is sponsored by Huggies, to stop all the leaks.

LMAO!  That's great!

Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

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