Long Live Magnum!

Ok I went to CP's website and counted all of the listings of awards Magnum has received. In all, there are 8 listings plus 7 non listings (NAPHA's awards, two are listed, but seven are not.)for a grand total of 15 awards in just 10 years. Or an average of 1.5 awards a year! All awards counted were for "best steel coaster", which leads me to beleive that no coaster will ever match that type of legacy. LONG LIVE MAGNUM!!!!

"Magnum is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest on Magnum
HAIL MAGNUM! it doesnt suprize me at all ....its such an awsome coaster.... *salutes magnum*

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
I don't get around to many other parks too often so I don't really know much about the competition, but answer this. I think Magnum's a GREAT ride but what makes it SO GREAT that it's always rated the top steel coaster??? I'm afraid that if by chance I did wonder to another park sometime soon, I wouldn't be impressed.

RockDown2G, Don't bet on it. I felt the same way in the early '90's. I was sure someone somwhere would top the Magnum. To date as hard as I have tried, I cannot find anything like the Magnum. What makes it so "special" who knows. I am sure for the millions of riders over the last 10 years it is something different for each one. I think MF has the chance to "beat" Magnum. We'll just have to wait and see. It is still hard to believe year after year new coasters are built but Magnum still remains #1. *** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 3/29/2000. ***
I think the secret is that while Magnum was built as a gimmick: first coaster to exceed 200' tall...it was most importantly designed to be a *good* coaster. I really think the height gimmick was secondary to Magnum, in that it is built to sustain high speeds, produce lots of airtime, and in general be a really really *fun* ride. The important thing is the part they got right with that one.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Magnum is my baby... in my heart nothing can beat it the only thing that sorta comes close is a woodie at michigans adventure called shivering timbers.
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Magnum is such a great ride, that I can't explain to someone who hasn't ridden it. Magnum, I think, will be one of those coasters they show as "old" footage some 20+ years from now on coaster specials...

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
42 days until "The Force
i feel that the magnum is the best roller coaster in the world. there has been other coasters that have been faster and taller but none have yet matched the style and grace of "Magnum XL 200" !

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