Line jumpers

I am going mad with the rampant line jumping going on today. Groups of kids/teens with absolutely no regard for other guests...aagg!! There was a group of about 8 kids pushed past my family and a couple other families--just butter right up to a couple of their pals ahead of us. My dad who is a big scary dude leaned over and said "kids, jumping in line can get you kicked out of the park". They looked at him, sneered, laughed and mocked him. At the front of the line, I told one of the ops. Ops asked the kids and a few of them admitted it and then said "so what? They were holding our spot". Ride ops took the kids by the arm and escorted their disrespectful butts out.
It is a bitterly divided topic in my family. Most saying to report the jumpers and if they get kicked out, then they deserved it. My sister said it was mean of us, especially if the kids are of a different race.
So...what say you?

Is there any special events going on today with school kids? I know I went one year and it was the math/science day with physics and it was just as bad - kids all in the same colored shirts (part of a group basically) did the same thing and it quite ticked me off.

This is one of the reasons I have decided to push our visits back to the first week of June - it isn't as busy, some kids are still in school, and there are less special events going on.

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

I say good for you. I myself have very little tolerance for things like this and usually make much more of a scene lol.

One of my favorites is to push ahead of all of them, and after their inevitable (and incredibly ironic) response of "hey!" I simply respond with "well, you cut in front of me, I get to cut in front of you." If they respond with more mouth, then I get the ride ops involved. This is plan B, after simply standing there and ignoring them when they ask me to let them by. I offer a sample exchange for reference:

Punk: "Excuse me" (they are always polite at this stage)

Me: "For what?"

Punk: "My friends are up there"

Me: "OK. You are excused for having friends up there" (making no attempt to move)

Punk: "They are saving our place in line"

Me: "Nope. Can't do that"

Punk: "Come on (explative deleted)"

Me: "Too bad (far more creative explative deleted). Either wait in line like the rest of the world or go back to mommy and daddys house in (insert punk's place of origin, which can usually be infered from punk's appearance/clothing/Lebron jersey)"

Race shoulden't have anything at all to do with it either; reguardless if you are white, black, red, or Simpson's yellow you don't get a pass for being an @$$hole.

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

^^ Haha!

I think it's inappropriate to cut in line and if you report them to the ride ops and they get kicked out, it's their own fault. I say good for you if you do that. It's extremely rude, unfair, and against park policies. I just wish I was good at standing up to them so it wouldn't happen to me. And no, it's not mean... it's fair.

Kevinj's avatar

My sister said it was mean of us, especially if the kids are of a different race.

What in the world would that have to do with it?

Young, old, brown, white, black, red, male, female, handicapped, no legs, bald, smelly...

I dont care who you are or what you look like, line-jumping is detestable.

Promoter of fog.

coolkid2345's avatar

I do NOT like it when groups go in front of me! ONe time i was in linew for the turnpike cars. There was this kid in front of me and his large behind my group. One girl in the group asked, "My friend is in fron of you. Can i go with him!" I said sure(because its only one person). THen her whole group of 8 went up in front of me. I was really mad and started talking to my sister about it. Then the kids all rode in 1 person per car.




CP rush's avatar

I was waiting for MF and a group of 5 kids in front of us asked if it was ok if two of their friends joined them, we said it was cool. As long as they are polite and ask instead of cut in line I don't have a problem. Someone asking to join their friends is a lot different than someone cutting through the line.

First rollback=opening weekend '09

tedfuzz's avatar

I don't care what their reasons are, how many of them there are, how big their group is, if they were in line before, etc. - I don't let anyone cut in front of me under any circumstances. I had to grab a kid by the arm and yell at him because he ignored my verbal warning and tried to run past me in line for Gemini. Then he started to tear up and ran off. Give me a break. Why won't people just follow the rules and wait their turn.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Jeff da Beat's avatar

I was at Cedar Point yesterday and yes, it is happening a lot. I never had a group of folks trying to get by, just one or two most of the time. I feel like since it is still early in the season, the staff is still kind of low so it's harder for staff to watch for line jumpers. It's just annoying.

I did watch three girls try and use the single rider line on Maverick even though there were two sets of chains. The guy at the top sent them to the back of the line so they didn't even get their spot back...

Chase McCants

Rubella said:
My sister said it was mean of us, especially if the kids are of a different race.

What does race have to do with anything? If a black guy called me out on line jumping, would it have been mean of him? Every thing's racist now. I'm sick of it.

Ugh I hate how some teens give us all a bad reputation ;) (im 15)

While in line for Maverck me and my sister had to report a huge group of line jumpers (7+) everyone around us acted like they didnt even see it.. It was like we were in the Twilight zone haha.. They too had friends further in the line but when the ride is breaking down every 1/2 hour and you have already waited 3 you want to ride.. ;)

Bottom line, if you jump in front of me watch out. You will NOT get away with it......and it won't be fun for you ;)

Completly agree! Line jumping is my biggest pet peeve (just shy of smoking in line) at an amusement park. If someone stops in the middle of the line for a drink, I can accept that, because they waited. If someone is trailing behind their group - to bad. Their group should have waited for them at the begining of the line and then they can all go in together at that time.

" Hey Copernicus, why don't you navigate yourself to the back of the line with your feet and stand there with your shirt"

Ahhh great line, usually confuses the jumpers when I tell 'em that. If they don't move, I get serious and let them know that they will be wasting the entire wait time if they don't take me seriously. I have only had to narc once or twice, but it made me feel good to know they waited the entire time only to have to go back around.

Last edited by Coastern3rd,
Daniel Smith's avatar

Coastern3rd, that Family Guy clip was way to funny. Only if everyone in line did that to a line jumper.

Quote from a Corkscrew ride op, "And Dragster is down again"

My sister said it was mean of us, especially if the kids are of a different race.
So...what say you?

I say it is 2009 and people should not be treated differently because of race. If they are a line jumping punk, then they should be kicked out of the park. Everything else about them (height, weight, race, gender, etc.) is irrelevant.

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