I understand the whole chaindog theory, but how come the Magnum's climb is so loud whereas the Raptors is so quiet? When I was riding Raptor last season I made it a priority to listen.
RideMan will have to help me out on this one, but I think Raptor is relatively quiet compared to Magnum because of padding that B&M uses on their chain-dog systems (???).
The loudness is because of the Anti-Rollbacks. B&M anti-rollbacks are more shallow than Arrow's. Therefore the louder the sound. You can tell the differnce on Mantis and Corkscrew too.
We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Sounds right to me. Both of those were anwers I was going to suggest.
Good call! I was wondering about that too!
Take it to da house!
So how, then, did they make SOB at PKI louder when it reached the top? Did they make the rollbacks deeper at the top? That would be my guess.
"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
When I was in line watching SOB's train get to the top, it looked like it sped up a bit. I also noticed a speed change going up when I rode.
3 Years @ CP
I noticed the same thing with the son of beast. I asked this question over on coasterbuzz, and the answer I got was when the sob gets close to the top of the lift hill, it speeds up...thus hitting more dog ears in a shorter amount of time. That's what makes that loud noise.