so how exactly does it work if it isnt a chain????
enlighten me?
**NEMESIS** UK'S No.1 Coaster..B+M Masterpiece.
AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039
AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039
MF ascends the lift hill at 22m/s....very quickly
Eh, 22 metres a second. If i remake it to kilometres an hour that is: 79,2 km/h or 49,5 MPH!!!!!!
The lift is very fast, but so fast :)
Semisionc - closing time
Closing time... Every new begining starts with som other beginnings end
The Millennium Force™ train ascends the first hill in 22 seconds, at 20 feet per second. That's 13 miles per hour.
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
*** This post was edited by force312 on 7/31/2001. ***
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