Lift Hill

I know the lift hill, is a new type.

so how exactly does it work if it isnt a chain????

enlighten me?

**NEMESIS** UK'S No.1 Coaster..B+M Masterpiece.

AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039

The Millennium Force lift is an elevator lift.  It uses elevator cable and a sled, which attaches to the train chassis.  As a result of this type of lift, MF ascends the lift hill at 22m/s....very quickly.  :)



"One cable, the hoisting cable, runs from the forward end of the catchwagon, up the lift hill, partway down the drop, down beneath the lift hill, then back through the lift structure, through the tension wheels, and to the cable drum. When the train goes up the lift, this cable is wound onto the cable drum.
The other, smaller cable, runs from the back end of the catchwagon, down the lift hill, through the station, around a pulley, doubles back under the station, and attaches to the cable drum. This cable is wound in the opposite direction from the main hoisting so that as the catchwagon is drawn up the hill, the hoisting cable is wound onto the cable drum. At the same time, the other cable is UNwound from the cable drum. So the distance from the cable drum, to the station, to the back of the catchwagon, to the front of the catchwagon, to the top of the hill, and back to the cable drum remains constant. "   -Rideman
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
Thanks for that, sounds cool. just what i was trying to work out.
**NEMESIS** UK'S No.1 Coaster..B+M Masterpiece.

AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039

MF ascends the lift hill at 22m/s....very quickly

Eh, 22 metres a second. If i remake it to kilometres an hour that is: 79,2 km/h or 49,5 MPH!!!!!!

The lift is very fast, but so fast :)

Semisionc - closing time

Closing time... Every new begining starts with som other beginnings end

You have it backwards. 

The Millennium Force™ train ascends the first hill in 22 seconds, at 20 feet per second. That's 13 miles per hour.

Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight

*** This post was edited by force312 on 7/31/2001. ***

Oops...meant FEET per second...not meters.  My goof up.

Millennium Force laps: 2

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