Life Changing !

For as long as i can remember I have always been afraid of hights, and completely fearfull of rollercoasters.   Well, about 4 months ago, some friends of mine talked me in to taking a trip with them to CP. I had planned on going and hanging out just to shut them up....and thats what i did for most of the day.  They were all trying very hard to get me to go on every coaster.....but my fear was overpowering their attempts.   Then as we were walking past the Power Tower, one of my friends pulled me aside and and asked me if I would just please go on it with him and if I didn't like it that they would all leave me alone for the rest of the day. I agreed.   We waited in line for about 20 minutes , as i watched people go flying up in to the air and then being dropped back tward the fear was hightened.     As we approached the gate my heart was pounding and my palms began to sweat,  it was our turn to get on.....I slowly made my way around the tower to my seat....I sat down and pulled the harness over my head .   By this time sweat was starting to run down both sides of my face and my heart rate incresed.  I looked over at my friend and he gave me a big smile, and said " no turning back now ! ", I gave him a " thumbs up " was the only gesture that I could make because the fear had overtaken my vocal cords.   The tower released a blast of air ...and up we went !   As we reached the top, I  looked out over the was beautiful,  we began to drop and I realised that all of sweating and heart pounding had gone away.....We exited the ride and sat down on a nearby bench,  I can't describe the feeling that was going through me at that moment,  but it was amazing !  

I will remember that day for the rest of my life,  the day I looked my fear of hights right in the face....and finaly won. 

I have sence returned to CP, ( 3 times to be exact ) ....and I can't seem to get enough of coasters now....the experence had truely changed my life.


I know how you feel... I conquerd my fear of coasters a few years back on Raptor, and life hasn't been the same ever since. :)

Like you said... I just can't seem to get enough of coasters.

Oh well, it's a better addiction than crack... I suppose. ;)

Stupid People Shouldn't Breath...

Oh I agree !!! :)
My friend overpowered his fear of heights on the Power Tower too!!! It was 4 or so yrs. ago in the Power Tower's first year

Magnum may be high, but Raptor rules the sky!



I was super before Superstew was cool!

... and on the most recent trip, Fudjo rode the Millenium Force (surely a nightmare for anyone who is afraid of heights) TWICE... and loved every minute of it!  Good job!
My first coaster when I was 13, was (don't laugh), Cedar Creek Mine Ride....I remember I wanted my first coaster to be the Meanstreak, but it was closed down at the time for some reason.


But my first real big coaster was the Magnum! What a rush! It scared the crap outta me and when I got off...I went again! From that day forward, I love coasters and always will till I die. :) :) :) :) :)


I'm a bit upset with Cedar Creek Mine Ride at the claimed my Colts hat, which I've owned for about 6 years, and never went to CP without it...:(

MF count: 23

I relieved my fear of "big rides" on Splah Mountain and the Matterhorn when I was 3 or 4!

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