Least favorite Queue?

The Mean Steak Queue has the best location, but it moves so slow. The Raptor Queue has the worst location but it moves so Smooth. The MF queue gets you pumped becuase you see the reactions of the people getting off, but it is SO long. Every Queue is my least favorite queue becuase that means i am waiting in line for a ride. The Gemini Queue would be the best becuase it is not used.

Joe E

The Millennium Force Makes Me High
My least favorite has to be the Mantis Queues. The ride is SOOOOOOO loud and the lagoon smells and they are always a mess, plus the same dam video wall music.
Wildcat. Slow moving line, narrow queues, and very little shade.
Sign the petition @:
Wildcat, this line is bad if you are claustrphobic.

But they are all great compared to the concrete and no shade on Son Of Beast.
LuvRaptor's avatar
I would certainly have to agree with most about Raptor's queue...you think its bad to wait in it-
try cleaning it up after everyone leaves-eeeek!
(right Red Garter Rob?? lol)
Magnums' queue despite all the trees can get really warm-you pause as long as you can in the "corners" by the trees to steal some shade at times, and I know we've all stood in front of the misting fans alittle longer than we were supposed to at times!
I however do like the Mantis queue-the noise, the screaming, Coastermania (oops-flashback-sorry)
I do agree the water does smell nasty-but no worse than some of the guests.
I think tolerating any queue depends on who you are with too-the better the company-the more tolerable the queue is. I know there were a few times the line went even alittle TOO quick for me!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I completely agree about cleaning Raptor's queue -- I was a zone 1 sweep and we had to help out! Talk about a cramped wrist... *Grin*

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Don't make me RECOUNT! Take the CP Coaster POLL!
Try cleaning the leaves from Thunder Canyon's queues in the fall. Ewwww.

CP Ride Operations '99-'00

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 12/1/2000. ***

Whatever one has the longest line!
I'd have say after being at IOA a couple of months ago, any line that is in the sun. Almost all the lines at IOA were indoor AC or heavily shaded if outside (if that won't spoil you, I don't know what will.)

I just wish CP would shade the queues that are slow moving (Wildcat, PT, WWL, car rides, etc.) and have a long wait (Raptor, Mantis, Magnum, etc.) Raptor has got to be the worst by far. The air just can't circulate back there.

One question I have is if they are going to give shade in line (MF, Mantis, PT), why don't they shade the WHOLE line? They leave a section open here and there and it never fails, that's where I always have to stop.

Thanks for letting me vent, I needed that after Christmas shopping at the mall today.
Ride- Cadillac Cars, Turnpike Cars


~Eric L.~

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