Was the least crowded day you have ever seen at Cedar Point? This goes with the most crowded thread.
------------- MF Count: 11 First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
Any of the Millennium Mania days.
------------- magnumdan Magnum Count: 1266
Coastermania--It was the beginning of June which usually doesn't have many people, and during the night ERT on Magnum there probably weren't more than 250 people in the park.
Dan's right. As far as regular operating days, I've been to the park on a rainy day in May when there were only seven or eight rows of cars in the lot. ------------- - Raptor Dave
Ok then except for MM days. I should have said that before.
------------- MF Count: 11 First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
Oh goodness those two MM fridays were good. {sigh}
I went once when school had just started back. It was a Thursday, and there was hardly anyone in the park. You guys say there is no such thing as a walk on ride. Well CP broke that rule. We got there at 12 and left at 6 because we were tired from ridding all the rides
------------- You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
Which Coastermania was this? Must've been in the distant past ;)
One of the Halloweekends was the best for me last year. No waits for anything except MF, which was a whopping 15-20 minute wait. I'm so spoiled from that night (which was my last CP trip last year) that I'm probably going to be mad if I have to wait more than 5 minutes for anything this year.
------------- don't eat the yellow snow...
I will share my least crowded trip. It was a Sunday during Halloweekends last year. It had rained the whole day until about 2p.m. then the rain stoped and there was no one in the park. I got to the park at about 3 and i got 2 laps on Magnum in a matter of 10 mins. I'm not gonna go through my whole trip because that would be for the trip section. But I will say that all the rides were only running one train except MF which was running two. MF was the only ride with a wait which never exceeded the ramp going up to the station. I think I stayed about 3 hours and got in 3 rides on MF, 2 on Magnum and 2 on Raptor. It was a good day.
My 300th post! ------------- MF Count: 11 First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew