Last Ride of the Century

What was your last Cedar Point ride that you rode during the last century. I rode the Blue Streak.

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
Power Tower, then Magnum

Likes her coasters like her men, fast and furious!
My last 58 Cedar Point rides of the Century were all on Magnum :)

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Gemini, red train, fourth from the front. I would have gone on Mean Streak as my last ride before Y2K, but the people in front of me had that hair dye stuff from Camp Snoopy. I got a headach from the fumes.
last person of the century to ride Demon Drop!!!!!!

Jeff's avatar
I'll let you know a year from now what my last ride of the century is, seeing as we've still got a year before the next century begins (the Christian calendar we use does not have a year "0").

Don't get me wrong, I'll celebrate the year in the way we celebrate rolling the odometer in our cars, but you won't get me to agree that 2000 is the first year of the new century or millennium.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
My last rides were the Magnum, Power Tower, and Raptor.
My last ride for the millennium at CP was none other than the infamous Magnum XL-200. I got second to last train closing day, and it was pretty hectic up there (anyone who was there will tell you). But, *the* last ride of the millennium anywhere was on my favorite roller coaster, the one and only Raging Bull at SFGAm. Last train, Row 8, left side, 3 clicks. A ride I'll never forget (I bought the photo!).

And Jeff, don't turn this thread into the "millennium debate" as seen on RRC. Who would have known that me trying to tell people "millennium" is spelled with 2 n's would have had so many friggin responses! Sheesh! :)
Jeff's avatar
I don't have any intention of debating a mathematical fact. I already stated that 2000 is as good a reason as any to get all liquored up, but I will remain true to the calendar.

You started that "two n's" debate? It's up to like 100 responses, more than half of which seem to be from a certain individual. I didn't have the patience to read any of it.

Chances are good that I'll travel to Vegas late next year, so my last ride of the century will likely be there.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
My last ride was Mean Streak - about 11:55PM. No one else rode but myself and a friend.

Figured a back readjustment would set me straight for the new year.

Great website Jeff :-)
Jeff's avatar
Thanks, and welcome!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point

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