Last minuet Hotel Breakers reservation

I'm attempting to surprise my kid with an overnight stay at HB(next week)for their sweet 16. Due to funds, this reservation can't be made(and paid for) until the night before the (hopeful) visit. Per CP reservations, that's OK, providing a room is available, even on the morning of arrival. Has anybody had any luck just going to the front desk, say @ 8am and asking for a room, and one be open? I also inquired CP reservation staff about discount for taking a last minute room(cancellation), and was told no. Any thoughts?

Keep passing the fun along!

I think your chances with the 8am at the front desk plan are pretty close to zero. I've stayed at Breakers several nights since July 4th, and it seems like they've been booked solid every day. Your best bet is to check the online reservation the night before, several times, as soon as you have the funds. I've actually had several occasions when I've called the reservation number and was told a room was not available, and then been able to successfully book the same room from the webpage. Trust me, I've had alot of experience with HB reservations lol.

Gilbert, Vegan Rider

In years past you'd have a great shot at getting a room. This year, way different story as Breakers has been booked several times we tried to do a spur of the moment booking.

Keep checking to see if someone cancels last minute through the online reservation system. I've found rooms before which were gone and showed up again later.

Only thing I'm considering is HB or Sandcastle.@ HB, rooms available keep flopping around. Any reviews on beds at Sandcastle? Breakers Express were horrible.

Keep passing the fun along!

You know, when I saw the title I was expecting something like this...
...then I found this as well...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

Sandcastle is alright. I don't like it because it's too far to walk. You can use the shuttle, but it eats up time waiting for it show up.

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