They haven't started working on the "tree" lighting on the supports like it shows on the banner of the Cedar Point website. Does anyone think they will be finished with this and the fancy scenery such as the grandstands, the tree, and the landscaping?¿?¿ They started on the landscaping on WT about March 20 and poured concrete on march 12. Does this worry anybody? ------------------ Does it stop at 420 feet in the air.......?¿? No you still have to spiral down
No because cedar point knows what they are doing. They have about 35 days before they have any guest in the park.
------------------ Merchandise - 2003 *** This post was edited by coaster runner 3/24/2003 7:52:37 PM ***
Cedar Point is great and they will pull it off. Even If it doesn't look right opening weekend it will look great on the second weekend!
------------------ Worlds of fun is Nothing Compared to Cedar Point!!!
I didn't want to start a new post but sorry to bring up a new question. Can anyone conferm that they do, in fact purchase, or look to purchase grandstands? ------------------ Does it stop at 420 feet in the air.......?¿? No you still have to spiral down
There will be grandstands. Don't know if they will be purchased or whatever, but there will be some. With a nifty little food stand beneath too.